be risky (Choi Jihyun)

158 6 3

I don't believe in love.

Well, that was before i met you.

Growing up, i hated it.

I hated affection, i hated liking other peoples.

In the end, you'll only get hurt.

"How come lots of people like you
but you reject them?"

"They aren't worth it,

They aren't worth the risk."

"Have you ever thought of giving them a chance??..." She said and i just scoffed, I don't get it.

what's so great about it?

Lots of people just gets their heart broken, was it worth it? I don't know.

I think that they're fools to risk their feelings for other people.

"Bro, have you EVER like EVER been in a relationship?" She asked, "yah, pham hanni... How many times do i have to tell you? I'm nev-" i said but got cutted of because i bumped into someone.

"Oh, are you okay? I'm sorry." The person said while i was on the ground, "you should be." I said standing up.

I walked past her, "Bro, that was so wrong of you. I don't get what they like about you." Hanni said and i glared at her making her laugh nervously.

Someone's POV :

what's their problem?

She looks nice but she's mean, i know shouldn't judge someone but she just looks like a great person but then turns out to be quite rude.

"Jihyun-ah!" Someone said making my head turn to their direction, it was minju and jeemin.

"Happy birthday!!"

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