𝟭𝟯. 𝗙𝗲𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 {𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀}

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Belle moaned as she rolled off of Jackson as they finished having sex "that was..."

"Amazing but so wrong So stupid. How do we keep doing this" she asked

"Not where I was going with her" he said

"What is wrong with me? What is wrong with us. How do we keep doing this. We say it's the last time and here we go again I mean your my best friends brother for god sake" she said as she leant back on the bed

"Belle. We got help that we're attracted to each other" he said as he stood from the bed redressing

"I am ... I'm so weak." She said

"You're not weak. You're just ... " Jackson said

"Disgusting. I hate that I'm lying to bree over this but it's sex we're not getting together so we can't come clean
I was a good person once.A person with willpower." Bella said


"This just feels helpless and inevitable.Like ... like watching two cars head toward one another and ... there's nothing you can do.There's gonna be a crash.People are going to die.And you're just gonna be left there ... " she said as she stood redressing and frowned as she realised that Jackson was gone

Belle looked to see bree as she walked over to her and smiled "and where have you been Annabelle Montgomery?" Bree asked as Belle smiled

Screwing your brother and then insulting him Belle thought to herself

"Oh I've been around" Belle said

"Hmm. You seem off. You are okay aren't you. I know that a lot has happened since the plane crash but I do know that you almost died out there and I don't know something different seems there with you" bree said as belle sighed

"I did nearly die and it was terrifying as I thought over how I have never been in love. I have had a child and I was prepared for all I was about to miss" she said as bree smiled

"I get that. I almost lost a baby out there and that scared me but I'm here for you now and there's not a thing you can't tell me" bree said as belle hugged her and smiled

Belle stood in the hallway as she saw Jackson "hey can we talk over what I said. I was ranting and I wasn't thinking over you and I didn't mean it" she said

"I get it. Sex with me is dirty"

"It is but in a good way I don't know I can't explain it. It scares me" she said as they saw Webber. Jackson looked to him and frowned

"Sir, we have a problem." Jackson said to him as belle stood there eating her chocolate bar she just grabbed from the vending machine

"You don't have to call me sir."

"I do. It helps me.Sir ... You need to get your Averys straight."


"In your address book.Last night ... You sent an e-mail, which Ibelieve was for my mother.It began,"I can't sleep. Thinking about you tonight" ... " Jackson said

Blue eyes •J.Avery•Where stories live. Discover now