𝟮𝟮. 𝗗𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗵𝗼𝗻𝗼𝘂𝗿

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Belle walked into the kitchen and smiled as she saw Daniel. She looked to her fat lil that he had given her because she wither have sex with him.

"You asked for it" he said as she looked to him

"Yeah well there's this thing called consent" Belle said as he grabbed her and pushed her against the wall. His hand was on her throats as he pinned her to the wall

"You don't tell me what to do" he said as she looked to him as Mia walked into the room. Belle was watching her while bree and mark had a night away and it was the reason she didn't want to have sex. They wanted a night away and she knew how sexy sorry Daniel was and it made her sick

She wasn't happy and she hated it. She knew that all and could think over was Jackson "Mia" Belle said as Daniel let go of Belle as Mia stood glaring at Daniel

"You hurt auntie princess" Mia said as Daniel looked to her

"Shut up you little brat"

"No you shut up. You mean she no love you. She loves my uncle Jackie. You mean" Mia yelled as he grabbed the toddler and held her hand in the hot water in the sick.

Mia screamed as Belle managed to pull her away and held Mia safe and smiled "it's okay you're okay" Belle said as Mia cried.

Belle looked to Daniel and glared "get out now" Belle yelled as he walked off

"Put this on we're getting married and your going to pay for it" he said as he slapped the ring on the side as Belle looked to Mia as she ran her hand under the cold water and wrapped it in a bandage

"You're okay.  It's okay. Your okay auntie belle will never let anymore hurt you" Belle said. She was crying and she didn't realised it until Mia wiped the tears from her eyes

"Don't cry. I okay. Princesses don't cry. I wove you"

"I love you too princess which is why I will never let anyone hurt you" Belle said

Belle sat looking at her phone as she walked into the hospital. She knew her mom was calling her and sighed. She knew that her head was a mess and she knew that she couldn't get her head around it

Belle knew how so much had happened and she hated it. She knew that she couldn't speak to her mom after things with Daniel. She knew Addison and she knew that she'd know that something was up and she wasn't going to back down until she had to answers that she wanted

Belle knew that she loved her mom but she knew that right now she couldn't talk to her. She couldn't deal with her

Belle walked out of surgery. She had lost a baby and it wasn't her day. She picked up the chart and flung it to the side. She knew that this wasn't her day at all. There was a storm on its way

"We need to talk" she heard Daniel say

"What have you come to hurt anymore kids or is it just my goddaughter. Just go I am not in the mood"

"I meant what we said we are getting married" he said

"Who said I even want to get married" she said as she went to pulled away

Blue eyes •J.Avery•Where stories live. Discover now