ONE, CODY: Pilot

738 13 59

Unloveable - 2017 Master
The Smiths

"EEEk!" Click! Flash! Bam!

The sounds of squealing girls, cameras taking photos, and (of course), our newly released song playing from the speakers of someone's crappy android galaxy plus, were all I could hear from the crowd around me.

Just leaving a large award party, where we had won an award in "Best Upcoming Boy Band of The Year", I was feeling greater than ever before.

Sure, this award was minor, as it was more of a "Best Upcoming Boy Band of the Year in Toronto" award, but it still meant we were making our way up the ladder of fame.

And, not to toot my own horn, but I expect us to make it even higher by next year with these songs I've been writing.

When I Cry was a hit, in 2007, sure. But now we're adults. And we've been practicing, making our way back up.. From, uh. Our past downfalls... We're a lot better now! At everything basically. Making music,, dividing profits from the music equally... You get the gist.

I got in the limousine, Noah getting in after me and checking the time on his phone. "We'll be late if we don't hurry it up." He said with a nervous hum, telling the driver to hurry up.

"Oh my godddddd,," Justin dragged, "Calm down! We won't even be late." He said, rolling his eyes. Justin took a small hand mirror out of his pocket, fixing his hair and grinning at his reflection.

Noah might not be a part of the band— but he's an important part of the band. He makes sure we get everything we need. And that we actually make it to concerts... Without him, we would be lost, dumb-- and lost.

This is just a small concert we're doing, and by small I mean our biggest yet... Ahahaha I'm so nervous, honestly. Well, not as nervous as Noah, Noah seems more freaked than we are, and he isn't the one playing on stage!

"I am calm, I'm doing my job." He scoffed, pushing his sunglasses up, muttering something under his breath which made me laugh a little.

"You do more than what you need, man. You're worried about nothing." Trent said, sighing a bit and putting his hand on Noah's shoulder, trying to be reassuring to Noah.

Harold stared at Justin and Trent in awe. "You mean neither of you are worried?! Gosh, you two realize this is our biggest show yet? Hundreds will be there!" Harold spoke up, Trent simply shrugged, making me and Justin laugh a bit.

These two do have nothing to worry about. Trent never messes up on a song, and Justin uses looks more than skills. Which, I think he's trying to change, but I'm honestly not very sure...

Noah glared at all of us, crossing his arms and leaning to rest his elbows on his knees. "If this goes bad, it affects not only your guys' paychecks, but mine too! And I'm not rich." Noah said sternly, to which Justin scoffed in response, leaning back in his seat.

"Oh please, you'll live. Emma has a job." Justin furrowed his eyebrows as he spoke, crossing his legs and glaring back at Noah.
Trent placed a hand on Justin's shoulder, a sign that he needed to calm down, and relax a bit. Trent moved his head to Justin's ear, whispering something that made Justin roll his eyes. "Sorry,," Justin muttered.

I laughed, looking at Noah, who's face was shoved into his phone, typing away a storm. He was probably texting Emma. They've been arguing like a lot lately.
Not that it's any of my business.

Sometimes he tells me about it, though, about how she's been more rude to him if he does something she doesn't like, about how she says he's less attractive than he was when they met. I don't know what she means, I think he looks like the same ol' Noah. He hasn't changed all that much over the years. Sure, he's grown some stubble, but I think it looks nice on him.

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