FOUR, NOAH: Sexuality

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Cody sat on the edge of, what I guess is my bed for now, watching as I tied my shoes. "So, how you enjoying it here." He asked.
I shrugged, finishing tying my left shoe. "Your house is nice and spacious, I like it here." I looked over at him, seeing a big smile on his face. "That's great!"

I chuckled, nodding at him. "Yeah. Let's get going now." He nodded back at me, standing up and holding his hand out for me to grab. Cody's so nice for letting me stay.


"And I was shocked, like, SHOCKED! I didn't think she would actually throw a punch!" Izzy exclaimed, leaning over the counter, getting all up in my face, I scooted back, Eva leaning over to get a better look at Izzy.

"You beat her, right??" Eva questioned, Izzy nodded hastily, making Eva smile. "Good! I hate that girl." She said and Izzy giggled.

"You seem to hate half the human population." I chimed in, rolling my eyes. She glared at me, harshly elbowing me. "Ow! Take a joke, will you?" She grinned as Izzy laughed at me.
Why am I friends with these two?

"Anywayssss, what's going on with you and Emma?? She texted me asking where you were the other day." I took a drink of my coffee with a shrug, "I'm surprised she cares."

Eva faked a gasp, "Did Mr. Lover boy get dumped by his know-it-all girlfriend?" She laughed. I frowned, sighing and putting my cup down. "Not exactly."

Izzy frowned, "What happened??? You gotta tell us, we won't tell a soul. Right Eva?" She looked over to Eva, throwing her arm over her shoulders.

"No promises."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not telling, then." I scoffed, making Izzy frown. "Pleeeeeaaaseee tell usssss."
I let out a sigh, looking down at my coffee cup, "Fine." I got myself more situated on the uncomfortable stool, "I walked in on Emma doing things.. with a girl."

Izzy bit her lip as Eva spoke, "Are we supposed to be surprised?" I stared at them blankly, Izzy now had a look of pity on her face. "What?" I questioned, confused. Izzy spoke up, "It was kind of obvious she liked girls."

"I mean, I didn't think she was the cheating type." Eva chimed in, I groaned, laying my head on the counter in defeat. "How did I not see it sooner, It's so obvious thinking back to it." Izzy patted me on the back. "I mean, I didn't think you were into girls for a while." Eva shrugged.

I flung my head off the counter, raising an eyebrow. "What?" Izzy facepalmed.

"What?? You used to act gay as hell." I stared at her blankly for a minute before talking, "I did not!"

"You did! You even had the stereotypical gay guy voice back then!" She laughed, "And the way you looked at some of the guys on there, it was hilarious." She laughed. I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, you both know I don't like guys like that."

"Uh huh..." Izzy whispered something to Eva, making her laugh. "I don't! I'm straight. I like girls."
"Sure, you are." Izzy laughed, Eva laughed harder. "It isn't even funny, I like girls. I don't swing that way." They both laughed even harder.

"You don't swing that way?" Eva said mockingly, laughing more. I scoffed, "Don't mock me in front of my face!"

Izzy grinned, "You never told us where you were staying??" I rolled my eyes, "I'm staying at Cody's place for a bit, do you have to ask so many questions??" An embarrassed blush creeped onto my face as she kept talking.

"Ooooh, you mean the boy you kissed??" I frowned in annoyance, glaring at the two. "I did not kiss him!" Izzy laughed, "Aww, he's blushing." Eva mocked with a laugh, making Izzy laugh harder.

Cody walked out of the bathroom, wiping his hands off on his shirt at looking at the two girls with a funny look. "Uuuuuh, did I miss something here?"

Izzy continued her laughter, shaking her head. "Noo,, just an inside joke, right Noah?" She grinned at me, making me grit my teeth together. "Yeah."

Izzy continued her giggling, moving to whisper in Eva's ear again.

"Ooookayyyy, weird.." Cody whispered under his breath. "Anyway, Noah we gotta head out, the dudes wanna go out to dinner.

I quickly nodded, getting up from the stool and walking to Izzy's front door. "Bye." I yelled at Izzy and Eva, Cody following behind me quickly as I left the apartment.

"Sounds like they're going on a date.." Izzy laughed more, hugging onto Eva. "Yeah." Eva turned her head to looked up at Izzy. "Speaking of dates..." Eva suggested with a smile.

I slammed the door behind Cody, following him to his car.

Izzy and Eva have no clue what they're talking about. I'm an all guys guy. Wait- No I mean all girls guy.

Fuck they're in my head.

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