FIVE, CODY: Sexuality, pt2

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Yellow Bus
                          - Brokencyde

(TW, lots of mentions of sex... Kms)

The table was filled with laughter as Trent finished his story, he always had shitty, yet funny ass stories to tell. The good stories, though, were Justin's job. He had an interesting way of thinking... but, that made his stories twenty times better.

The table got quiet before Justin spoke up. "One of those club girls texted me." He grinned. Trent smiled, "Which one? From last week?" Justin nodded, "The one with the big tits? She texted me on Instagram."

We all enjoyed Justin's stories, though at times they were... a bit much. I think the way he told them was just satisfying, though I don't think Harold likes his stories as much as the rest of us. He's a hardcore feminist and Justin... He's, well, Justin.

Anyway, I kind of zoned out during his story.

He finished his story and Harold faked a gag, "You did what? Gosh! That's disgusting." We all laughed. Justin rolled his eyes in a joking matter, eating some of his salad before talking.

"You know, girls have gotten so boring lately. You know how many girls beg for my number every day? I swear, even the waiter was staring at me, which I mean, I can't blame her, look at this face." He pointed at himself with a grin. "Anyway, I can't be the only one whose considered trying it with a guy." He leaned over the table.

Noah raised an eyebrow, "Seriously?"
We all gasped, "Really?" I asked, "Did you-" Justin nodded, we stared at him blankly. "It wasn't that bad, really, It was fun." He admitted, leaning back in his seat. "More fun than some of the girls I've been with."

"Oh my god.. I'm going to the restroom." Noah got up, excusing himself from the table, letting us finish our conversation.

"Well," Harold started, picking up a tortilla chip and dipping it in salsa, "In the 8th grade I kissed a guy." He said before he ate the chip.

Trent smiled, "Well then, I guess I'll say something while we're at it. I have also kissed a guy, wasn't my thing though. Definitely don't plan on going as far as fucking a guy." We all laughed.

"Cody, dude. What about you?" I shrugged, "I don't know."

"What do you mean, 'you don't know'?" Justin questioned.

I shrugged, "I mean, I've never kissed a guy, I've never really done anything like that with a guy.."

They all stared at me blankly, "Really?" Harold spoke up. "Yeah? I mean, I've looked at a guy and thought he was hot or something but like.. I don't think I like guys like that."

"Are you sure?" Justin asked. "Yes?" I said, unsure with all of their questioning. "Why?"

Trent cleared his throat, "Well, dude, I don't know. I kind of expected you to have a gay encounter."

"Me too." Harold hummed.

"Hey! Just because I don't get girls doesn't make me gay." I defended myself.
"We don't mean it like that! It's just,, surprising." Justin said with a smile.

"Anyway," Justin continued, telling another story.

Justin's story was interrupted short by the waitress, bringing us our food and Noah coming back from the bathroom, a sign to shut up and eat.

Honestly, I was glad, I've heard enough sex stories for one night.

We all ate our dinner, on and off talking about random things that were on our minds.

But now the only thing that's on my mind is,, gay things. And not because I'm gay, but is it really that strange that I've never had a "gay encounter"? What does that even really mean??

Should I kiss a boy? I mean, It doesn't hurt to experiment things.
What boy would I even kiss??
Why am I even so caught up in this?

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