SEVEN, CODY: Secret Santa

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"Okay.. secret santa time. Everyone sit around the tree!" I said, rushing over to sit on the ground next to the brightly lit tree.

After a few moments, everyone was sat on the couch and floor around the tree, and it was time to pass out gifts.

A totally needed total drama reunion. Kinda?? Not everyone came, but people are busy you know. I didn't expect everyone to participate.

But I made sure everyone got a gift. Just incase.

I was dressed like Santa, a Christmas hat on my head and a baggy Santa outfit on my body.

"Okay, Santa, who's first?" Noah asked with a chuckle, sitting on the small chair next to me.

I smiled, picking up a small, box. Like a super tiny box. I know what this is. Harold made me let him get Leshawna, just so he could give this to her in a special, unexpected moment. I should save this for last.

I set that to the side, picking up a small, rectangular box assigned to Duncan. I looked around for Duncan. "Okay,, the first one is for Duncan." I said, quickly handing it to him.

I heard a groan from behind me, "Man!! I'm so excited for mine, Cody!" Owen said, eating a bag of MY pretzels.
He can go last, those were my pretzels.

I laughed nervously, watching Duncan open his gift. Completely bored.

"Oh, oh! That one's from me!" Sierra said, watching him opening it closely.

Duncan finished ripping off the bow and wrapping paper. He opened the box, flipping it over and shaking out its contents into the palm of his hand.
A small box cutting knife fell into his hand, a cool design embroidered into a leather case it came in.

"It's custom!" Sierra smiled big, looking at him.

Duncan flipped it open, looking at it closely. "Cool, thanks." He said, still staring at the blade.

"Okay.." I picked up the next present. Gwen's present. I looked over at Gwen, and I couldn't help but stare at her cool makeup. She's cool. That's what I used to like about her.
"This one's for Gwen." I said, handing it to her.

"Oh, okay." She smiled a bit, setting the bag on her lap. It was a medium to small sized gift bag that looked like it could fit a book and some other things.

She took out the bunches of tissue paper, awkwardly looking around and taking out an old journal. Her old journal from Total Drama Island.

Gwen laughed awkwardly, looking at the front and the back. "Haha... Uhm." She looked at the book nervously. "Thanks secret santa." She said uncomfortably getting up and walking out of the living room.

That was weird.

We all watched her leave, visibly confused. "What's up with her?" Heather asked with a bit of a laugh, "Cody just get the next present." She looked over at me.

I nodded, picking up the next gift.


We were getting to the last few gifts before Harold hastily pulled me aside.

His hands were clasped together tightly, looking at me nervously and sweatily.. "Cody, I need to swap out the gift for Leshawna.." He said quietly, looking around.

"What? Why?? You were so excited." I asked, raising an eyebrow. He truly was excited to give her that gift. During band practice it was all he could talk about, and now's he's backing out? "Are you nervous or something?"

He shook his head, "Gosh.. it's not that. It's so tense.. It's not the right time." He explained, taking a deep breath. "I need it to be perfect."

"Oh yeah,, I guess you're right. Speaking of tense, do you know who gave Gwen that gift?"

Harold shook his head, handing me a small gift. "Swap this box and give me the ring when Leshawna's super drunk!" He said, quickly walking off.

This party kinda sucks..

I walked out of the room, looking around at everyone, talking but not laughing. Maybe this was a bad idea..

"Cody! Cody!! Let's finish gifts!! Noah's sooooo excited to see what he got!" Izzy said with a laugh, elbowing Noah.

"What are you on about??" He said, confused.

I laughed a bit, walking to the living room. "Okay, let's finish the gifts."


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