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My phone was gone. Just disappeared into thin air. I had it in the bathroom when I made Jamez mad, it was in my hand then, but I hadn't seen it since. I retraced my steps twelve times and I couldn't find it. I was beginning to panic. Not just because it was my lifeline, but because of what texts were on it. And I took the pass code off to be able to take a fast video of Jamez in a girl outfit, fuck my life. This was karma for being a bitch for the first time.

Contrary to popular belief I didn't go around picking on people. This was the first time. And it was solely to save face in front of Darren who was ready to dump me for not sleeping with him. But I couldn't sleep with him because he had a dick. And I was so not into dicks, but I had to pretend to be. This stunt was the only way to make him happy and now look where I was?


Why did Jamez have to be so fucking hot?

I shook myself out of that conundrum. What about my phone? If anyone saw the text thread between Zoya and I, I was done for. Not only would Darren know I'm a cheater, but everyone would know I'm a lesbian, and that just could not happen. Not now. Not maybe ever. My mother would flip out. And she scared me, so I tried not to make her upset.

My palms were extra sweaty. I ran them down my shirt, walking to my car after school in a morbid depression brought on by a phone being misplaced. Fuck my life.

What to do? What to do?

This was the only Friday night I'd have off from cheer for a while and the plan was to meet Zoya at Froggers, a gay club, at 9: 30 pm. I was going to cancel, but with no phone that was obviously out of the fucking question. I had to go now. And I had to tell her in person that this wasn't going to work out.

As soon as I got home I was hit with the scent of bleach and something else I couldn't name. The house was empty save for the house cleaner who was knee deep in bleach in the kitchen.

"You okay, Sindy?" I asked the middle aged white lady who never went home for some strange reason.

"I dropped some tomato sauce. Your mom got so mad she made me clean this with ammonia once, now bleach. I'm light headed."

"Go outside and breathe for a while. My mom's gone. I won't tell."

The lady smiled and walked out back to the porch to rest. Damn, my mom was such a bitch sometimes. Especially to the hired help. I have no idea why anyone works here except everyone has mouths to feed I guess. I wouldn't work for her. Hell, I wouldn't even be her kid if I didn't have to be. I'd choose another family altogether.

I wasn't ready to deal with my mom's issues so I focused on mine, stepping into the shower to wash away the essence of the weird day. I felt like a rebel when I snuck into the locker room and stole Jamez clothes. I spent way too much time smelling them, letting the leather and sandalwood smell of her engulf me. She smelled so good I almost got caught. But I managed to stuff her clothes in the paper bag and get away with it. Now, though, I felt like I shouldn't have touched her things.

Not only because she was mad at me, and heard me in the bathroom, but also because I was now a little obsessed with her. To the point where just thinking about her in the shower while being naked made me touch myself frantically trying to get the throbbing in between my legs to go away before I met up with Zoya. I would be all kinds of guilty if allowed myself to mess around with Zoya while hoping it was Jamez. The thought of the both of them made me come so hard I was a panting mess moaning and seizing against my orgasm.

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