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Tysm for reading! Hope you enjoy.

Red.. was walking around the colorful place, or "The Timefeed" (I got lazy couldn't think of a name :') )
She saw beautiful clouds, with no storm, little piles of sugar here and there, and guess what- it actually tastes like sugar!

She looks over to see the door, it looked dull with all the colors popping around it. It's the same color code, the same door. She decides to take notes about that, as she wanted to get out of here NOW.

As she continues to walk, she feels a weird force go through her. Everythings a blur, but goes back to normal. She's suddenly wearing her yellow headband.

Red: W- What???? I was wearing this- like, a few months ago? Maybe I didn't realize I put it on? Oh, silly red.

She continues to walk when she sees a forest. She goes. Closer, and feels the same force again. She was now smaller. She looked like a 15 yr old.

Red: Huh, that's weird. I'm 17, and I look smaller??? Eh, whatever. I've always been small. Just weighing everyone down..

As she continued to walk, she felt kinda weird. Not the force that went through her weird, but just weird.
Red: Uggghhh... Maybe I ate to much sugar?? Or maybe it's just my head again...

She then feels the force again, but she has braces.
Red: BRACES!!!?? I ALWAYS hated these. ugh... And they're.... The brown ones.... Tastes like aluminum flavored taffy...

She decides to stop and think.
"Why am I changing?"
"Am I getting younger?"

She wants to go back. Back home. Back to stick fight. Anywhere but here. This was all her fault. She's the one who wanted to go on an adventure. Just because of Dark...

Dark. The Dark lord. TDL. Whatever that bitch is called.
Red wanted him gone.
So she ran. She ran as fast as possible. Phasing through the force faster each time.
My little pony phase.
Emo phase.
I wanna be like everyone else phase.

She went through each phase of her childhood. Childhood.

Red: So I AM getting younger!! WHERE THE FUCK AM I?!?

She speeds up... Or at least she tried to. She actually got slower and smaller... she was riding a bike now. At the time, she didn't know how to.

Red crashed into a tree.
Red: Ugh..... Wait! An exit!
Since she wasn't on her bike anymore, she was a little bit faster, but not top speed.

She continues to get smaller and smaller. She was the size of a toddler at this point. She felt like crying. Probably cuz she was a toddler.

She was crawling, she couldn't walk anymore. Either she was tired, or she was to young. Probably both
Red:Almost dere....
A stick scratches her. She bursts into tears. She couldn't read, she couldn't speak correctly, she couldn't... Colors. Her parents told her she can read colors at a very young age, maybe this age too? She was about 6 months old, but she could see a answer sheet with all the colors in front of her.

No, she couldn't take the risk. She saw blue swirls on front of her, which means she would phase... She wouldn't exist.
Red: Nwo... I hwave two take da risk. Iwt mway cost mwy wife... (SHE SAID LIFE DONT JUDGE ME)

She put her hand through... It slowly starts to fade away.

It stings.

It hurts.

Why am I here


She grabs the paper just in time, and crawls away. Waddling. Jogging. Running. Sprinting. She makes it back to the door.

Yellow teal orange gray.

She puts it in, and opens the door to see...

Thank you for reading this chapter!!!
Here is something I feel like some readers might be confused about.
All of the separated chapters (will have a exclamation at the end, look at title) are happening at the same time. Thanks again for reading, and I'll see you!!

Word count: 670

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