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Yuki told them the main reason why she was looking for Satoru and it was to ask for pardon from him not to press any charges to her and she would make a public apology and pay for the damage she had caused, but that of course, if he gave any pardon.

She was looking for him when she saw Satoru enter a mall with Y/n. She was about to go after them but realized that that was not a good time to approach them so she decided to go, but then she saw someone following them.

Everywhere they went the man followed them and when there were times where Satoru was looking around, the man would hide a bit. This caught her attention.

Y/n looked at Satoru, waiting for him to say something but it seemed like he was in deep thought. No one dared to break the silence.

"I think it's better for you to stay here," Satoru murmured.

Y/n looked at Satoru then back to Yuki who was staring at Satoru. She was confused as hell as to why Yuki had to stay with them but chose not to speak.

"W-Why?" Yuki asked in a very timid voice.

"I think you would make a good companion to Y/n." Satoru pulled out his phone and emailed Yaga about this information.

"Huh?!" Yuki and Y/n both screeched.

"I'm not a babysitter!" Yuki hollered, Y/n could only throw a dirty look on her.

"And I don't need a companion." Y/n deadpanned.

Satoru looked at furious Yuki and said, "You said you want me to give you my pardon, right?"

"Y-Yeah... but—"

"Then accompany her. And based on her honest review, then the deal is on." Satoru said with that same smug smirk he had. "Deal?"

Yuki looked at Y/n for a moment who had the same annoyed expression as her. But with a loud sigh, Yuki spoke, "Alright... this is only because you told me to." She huffed.

"'Right, it's all set. Yuki don't make Y/n dizzy, and Y/n please treat Yuki nicely." Satoru said before his phone rang and picked it up, he then proceeded to the beach chair by the pool.

Y/n let out a sigh, she might be coolheaded, but there were things that really annoyed the hell out of her and Yuki was one of those. "Dang it..."

She took a deep breath through her nose and let it out in her mouth. And now that both of them were under a single roof, she might as well have to try to get through Yuki's good side, because if not, they would probably have turned into a burden to Satoru.

"Do you have your clothes?" Y/n asked.

"Do you really think I brought clothes with me?" Yuki raised a brow as if Y/n just asked the dumbest question at all.

Y/n tried to keep it cool to make sure she didn't make any mess that would get Satoru into trouble. She had a sharp tongue but for the sake of Satoru... she would have to dull down. Although she had no idea why he let Yuki in, all she could think of was for their own safety.

"'You can borrow some of mine." She then stood up and went to her room. Yuki followed her up reluctantly realizing that she didn't have any clothes and she didn't want to walk around naked.

Upstairs, Y/n, handed her a few bags of newly bought clothes and said, "It's yours."

"I will return this." Yuki spat, grabbing the bag from her hands. "I don't need you to give me things." Her high-pitched tone was now gone and it was replaced by some bitchy tone,

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