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Y/n was in her room and watching true crime documentaries from her laptop with a mug of hot chocolate beside it. There was a storm, so her classes were suspended and she has nothing to do right now but to watch and look for an online part-time job since being a cam-girl right now would be dangerous that's why she stopped.

When she told Satoru about it, he was kind of pleased. He even asked her to be his own personal cam-girl but she only gave him a punch on the head. She was not angry about it because she knew Satoru was kidding and just trying to make her laugh. She was enough for her heart to be filled with comfort.

He was disturbing her peace and yet she liked it. She was denying that she liked his presence. She may be annoyed when he was near her, but she was looking for him when he's not around.

She was in the middle of her own comfort when she heard the jiggling of her door knob. She couldn't help but roll her eyes when a familiar cheeky voice announced their presence, "Hey, Y/n. Did you miss me?"

"You were just here yesterday," she mumbled boredly without even looking at him. Since Satoru was too stubborn not to let her go without him taking her spare key, she couldn't do anything but begrudgingly give him. And now that he had it, he's been barging in and out of her apartment without any notice. "Do you not have your own apartment?"

"It's cold, I just want to cuddle," he then flopped beside her and wrapped himself with her blanket. He was literally acting like he lives there. "Can I have hot chocolate too?"

"You have feet, walk to the kitchen and get your own." She sipped on her cup.

But Satoru just laid there with her and took the chance to put his head on her shoulder. Normally, Y/n would be annoyed and will push his head away from him but now she's used to it, so she just let him do what he wanted but making sure not to cross her boundaries. Which he surprisingly respected as if he didn't touch her back then when he was suspecting her being the Vixen cam-girl.

There were times too that she thought Satoru had a crush on her because of how clingy he was, but a part of her was saying that he doesn't have any friends—around his age— to be with, that's why he's sticking with her. If he was at the TPD office, all he had were piles of files, and when he's in school he had nothing but lessons and hectic schedules. So, she thought that maybe the only escape he had from those busy and war-like life was to be with her.

A part of her wanted him to like her even a bit.

"You want hot chocolate, right?" she asked with a creased brow.

"Yeah, will you get—"

"Take my cup and fill it too, the sugars are in a capsule jar. Put 1 cube only, 'kay?"

"Why are you ordering me around? I'm your teacher."

"And you're in my apartment." She rebutted, so with a heavy sigh, Satoru removed himself from the comfort of her blanket and took a cup of chocolate.

He was pouring the beverage on their cup and saw the jar with a capsule, "So, take 1 capsule from the jar. This sugar's strange. I didn't know they're putting sugars in a capsule nowadays."

He emptied the capsule on both of their drinks, he stirred it and got a taste, "Did it do something?" he asked himself when he didn't even taste any sweetness on their drink. So he added one more capsule before returning back to Y/n, "I don't think your sugars are sweet."

He handed him her cup and she took a sip from it, "No, it's fine. I like the slight bitter taste of it. It's perfect."

"Chocolates are supposed to be sweet," he mumbled but still drank his to get the idea of what she likes.

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