Got 99 Problems But Is A Snitch One Of 'Em?

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The next morning when I woke up, for a moment, I thought last night was a dream. I mean come on, a three-headed dog? I realized it really happened when Hermione was giving me the cold shoulder. I sighed and looked down where Tiger Lily was playing by my feet. She'll have to get over it eventually, right? I thought as I rubbed behind her ears before I went to the bathroom to start getting ready. Ugh, we've got double potions today.

I met Nev when I went downstairs to the common room. He was sitting in one of the armchairs, gazing into the fire. "Morning," I said as I walked up to him. He jumped a little, not expecting me to be there, but replied, "Morning."

"How are you?" I asked as I sat beside him. "Fine, I - I guess." I know he was thinking about what we saw last night hiding in the third floor corridor. "I wonder what it's guarding." I thought aloud as I joined him in gazing into the fire, watching the embers dance about. "I don't care what it's hiding as long as I don't have to see it again!" He said with a slight tremble. I put my hand on his arm before standing up. "Just try to forget about it, Nev. Let's go get some breakfast." I said as I held out my hand to him. He grabbed it and together we made our way down to the Great Hall.

"Neville! Callie!" We heard someone shout as we climbed through the portrait hole. We turned around and saw Harry and Ron catching up to us. We were now in our second week at Hogwarts, and while we didn't get lost, as much anyway, it was still better to walk around in groups. That and it helped to avoid run ins with Peeves and some of the older Slytherins that liked to pick on first years who roamed on their own.

"I just ran into Wood," Harry told me. "and he wants to see us on the pitch after lunch." I felt a ball of excitement bounce around in my chest at the news. I couldn't wait. "At least that gives us something to look forward to." I said happily. "Ugh, don't remind me, I hate double potions." Ron mumbled. Neville shivered at the thought of Snape. "Me too." Nev agreed. "Let's just hurry up to the Great Hall, yeah?" I said trying to pick up our pace a bit and change the subject. "Yeah, I'm starving!" I slightly shook my head, "You're always starving, Ron."

Seeing Malfoy's face when we entered the Great Hall, shocked that we were still at Hogwarts, was completely worth it. Yeah, we're not that easy to get rid of. I raised an eyebrow and mouthed the word "coward" in his direction. He glared daggers right back at me. I nonchalantly shrugged my shoulders as if to say, well, it's true.

By the time we were done with breakfast, we were going to be late for potions if we didn't get a move on. "Come on, Snape will have our heads if we're late." I said as I lightly tugged Nev's sleeve, as he was sitting next to me. Potions went by normally, well normal by potion standards anyway. Snape droned, stalked and peered about the classroom as we tried to make a Herbicide potion. Luckily we didn't have to go to the hospital wing after class this time.

When we got to the Quidditch pitch Wood was no where to be found. It seemed like a good day to fly. The sun was shining and there was a cool breeze brushing through my hair. I looked at the broom shed across the pitch then smirked at Harry. "Wanna play tag until Wood gets here?" Harry grinned back at me, "Yeah!" before breaking into a sprint towards the shed. "Hey!" I yelled as I ran after him. He made it to the shed first since he had a head start.

We each grabbed a broom from the cupboard. "Wand, sword, potion?" I said with my left hand facing palm up; he nodded and mirrored me. "Wand, sword, potion." I cupped my right hand to draw potion and Harry drew wand, as I thought he would. Antidotes cure spells, I win. "Catch me if you can." I taunted before I mounted my broom and took off.

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