Big-Headed Berk

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A/N update: No this isn't a new chapter. As I was writing the couple of chapters I decided that one part fit better at the end of this chapter. So if you already read this chapter it's mostly at the end. Remember to follow/comment/vote/add to library; the next chapter Secrets Always Slither Their Way To The Surface is coming soon!

 The next morning I woke up with a stiff neck from leaning against the couch. There were still a few other Gryffindors still lying around the common room. Do I really wanna know why there's ink all over that sixth year's face? Is that...? Never mind... Hmm, I must have just dreamed that I made it to bed. My neck definitely wishes that I did. I slightly shoved Nev, who seemed be just in kicking distance. Nev mumbled a little before he got up and stretched. "Ughhhhhh!" I outstretched my hands and wiggled my fingers with a slight smile that said pretty please. Nev sighed, but still grabbed my hands and pulled me up. "Thanks bro."

Nev smiled and we both looked at Ron before smirking at each other. I nodded once. He nodded twice. We both bent down at each side, "WAKE UP!" Ron jerked awake, kicking the table. "Ow! Merlin, what the bloody hell was that for?" Ron yelled groggily. We grinned, "Just because," we said simultaneously. "Get up, Herms is probably awake already. Get ready and we can go to breakfast." Of course the mention of food is the only thing that got Ron moving as he grumbled his way up the stairs.

About a half an hour later Hermione and I came down from the girls dormitories, freshly showered and completely starving. We planned to go to the hospital wing to visit Harry after a quick breakfast when we overheard Professor McGonagall talking with Professor Flitwick. Apparently there was another attack last night. We exchanged glances as we tried not to seem like we were eavesdropping. Except for Ron, who was blissfully stuffing an entire pancake in his face. We decided, well more like Hermione and I decided, that we needed to start working on the Polyjuice Potion now. Ron grabbed another pancake as we dragged him away, Nev slowly eating his bagel behind us.

So instead of going to the hospital wing first, we made a pitstop back to the dormitories and then headed for Myrtle's bathroom. The thing with Polyjuice Potion was that there was a lot of precise preparation before brewing the potion; if it was off by even a fraction it may not work.

"We still need to plan a way to get the bicorn horn and boomslang skin from Snape's private stores." I reminded. "And how are we supposed to do that? If Snape catches us, we're dead." Ron said obviously. "What we need is a diversion. Then one of us can sneak into Snape's office and take what we need. I think I'd better do the stealing. Harry and Ron will be expelled if they get into anymore trouble." Hermione explained. "She's right. So, I'll cause the diversion to give you enough time. Wouldn't want to spoil your perfect record, Herms. I'll get something from the twins and when Snape goes to insult Ron and Harry (which we all know he will) that will be my cue to sabotage Crabbe or Goyle's cauldron. It's not unlike them to botch a potion and that will be your cue to go for it." I concluded. "Sounds like a plan." Nev wrapped up before we got started on the Polyjuice Potion.

We were about halfway done with the first part of the potion when we heard something outside. The whole reason we chose Myrtle's bathroom was because everyone avoiding coming here, so who was it? Hermione kept working on the potion and I went to the door to try to block it. "It's me." I heard from the other side. I sighed in relief, "Oh. Hi, Harry. How are you feeling? It's just Harry!"

"Good as new, but I do have some news." He said. "We already know. We heard Professor McGonagall telling Professor Flitwick this morning. You're talking about Colin, yeah?" Nev answered from his place leaning against the sinks. "Yeah," Harry replied. "But there was something else," Harry started. I continued to tear up the knotgrass and hand it to Hermione to add to the potion in-between counter-clock stirs. "Dobby came to visited me in the middle of the night." All of our heads snapped towards Harry. "What?"

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