Frienemies And The Blurry Line In Between

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Days turned into weeks, then months and exams had crept up to us. It was extremely hot in the classroom where we had to complete the written portions of our exams. Hermione was right, we had been given special new quills, which had been bewitched with and Anti-Cheating spell.

We also had practical exams. Professor Flitwick had us make a pineapple tap-dance across a desk. Professor McGonagall asked us to turn a mouse into a snuffbox. We got extra points for how pretty the snuffbox was, but had them taken away if they had whiskers. I didn't know when we would need to do this out of this exam, but I don't think I did too badly. Snape had us make a Forgetfulness Potion. He made everyone so nervous as he stalked behind us, looking for any of us to make a mistake to fail us. History of Magic was our last and most boring test. I was as ecstatic as everyone else when Professor Binns finally told us to put down our quills and roll up our parchment.

"I'd always heard that Hogwarts end-of-year exams were frightful, but I found that rather enjoyable." Hermione said as we walked to the common room to drop off our bags for the final time this year. "Speak for yourself." Ron's right, enjoyable's pushing it. As we were about to enter the courtyard I looked to the right and saw a tentacle splash around the Black Lake. "I'm gonna go to the big tree by the lake. Anyone want to come?" They knew what tree I was talking about. We got to compromise with Hermione quite a few times this year, that if she was going to make us study, it didn't always have to be in the stuffy library. Plus, the library was a lot more crowded right before exams.

Nev decided to come with me while Harry, Ron and Hermione kept going. We picked a spot in the shade and sat down, leaning back against the tree. The grass was plush beneath us. I levitated a small pile of rocks that were by the shore in between Nev and I.

Since we've come to Hogwarts, it's been hard to fit in some twin time that didn't include studying. It got a bit easier after that detention, since the rest of Gryffindor, apart from the Quidditch team, were still giving us the cold shoulder for losing all those house points. We spent the rest of the day just hanging out in the sunshine and goofing off, skipping rocks by the lake. We saw the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan tickling the tentacles of the giant squid, who was basking in the warm shallows. We joined them and tossed it pieces of left over bread from lunch as the sun set. Fred and George liked my idea of a twin club. We spent the rest of the day causing havoc with the Weasley twins, mostly on the Slytherins.

I finally got them to show me where the kitchens were. It's on the first floor, apparently close to the entrance of the Hufflepuff common room, hidden behind a portrait of a bowl of fruit. If you sort of tickled the pear it turned into a doorknob that lead to about a hundred little house elves that were preparing dinner. All of them were super friendly and almost fell over each other to help us with anything we needed. One house elf squeezed his way to the front when he saw Fred, George, and Lee. "Messrs. Weasley, Weasley, Jordan and friends, what can Fizzy do for you?" Fizzy had big green eyes that looked innocently up at us. "The usual, please." Fizzy bowed and got to work on whatever the 'usual' was; knowing the house elves' skills in the kitchen, was bound to be delicious no matter what it was.

And delicious it was. Fizzy made Fish 'N Chips and Butterbeer. That answers my other question. Fred and George whispered into his ear and handed him something before Fizzy returned to his duties. We planned as we ate; Nev and I were going to help them prank Flint and the rest of the Slytherin Quidditch team as "inconspicuous little firsties" while they helped us prank Malfoy for-well, he doesn't really need a specific reason anymore, does he?

When we were done with our dinner in the kitchen, we waited on a staircase that overlooked the entrance to the Great Hall. Towards the end of dinner we saw the Slytherins stampede to their common room or the nearest bathroom. We had to smother our laughter when saw Filch yelling after them. Half way up to Gryffindor tower we came upon Mrs. Norris. Even though it was still before curfew, she was not happy to see us. Is she ever happy to see anyone? She sort of glared at us and hissed. Fred started digging into his bag as George and Lee looked around to see if anyone, namely Filch was coming. Seeing the coast was clear they nodded and Fred threw a color bomb at Mrs. Norris. "Run!" he yelled before we all booked it. I looked over my shoulder to see Mrs. Norris now sporting pink fur as the smoke began to clear.

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