Hot sent~ ≠ES Megatron x Human! Shapeshifter! reader≠

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Megatons pov!

I was sitting outside leaning against a tree in the malto family's backyard trying to think about something because I had this surreal dream about a human woman who was in the forest, and in that dream for she had spoken, "To the' end to the' earth would you fallow me?." her voice spoke softly with a hint of helplessness in her voice almost as if she was in need of love?.... As I sat there in thought thinking I was all alone, miss Dot malto walked up to me "Hey Megs, you seem off is something wrong?, or do you have something on your mind." Dot asked me, I looked down to her and held my servo out for her to climb onto, I watched as she climbed on and sat in my servo. I then spoke "I do, have, something.. on my mind" I reply to her question "Well?, what is on your mind?" Dot asked and sat criss cross in my servo "I had a dream last night, and there was a human woman.. like you!, but, she was?.. different? and she could like turn into those fuzzy little creatures that you have as pets." I said "A woman hey?" Dot joked, I looked over to her made a face of worry, was it a bad thing that it was a woman?, was I in trouble??.
"Is it a bad thing that it is a woman??" I asked, for I was worried "What?, no! of course not Megs." She replied "It's a good thing then?" I asked now a little less worried "Megs, it was only a dream right?" She asked but I looked away and sighed a little "Megs?" She said once more "I just-.." I stuttered over what to say, "You can tell me anything. I am here to listen Megs." Dot said reassuringly "I just-.. it just felt surreal, like- like I felt everything that was happening!, it didn't even feel like I was dreaming at that moment.. or.... for the hole dream..." I sighed out in a bit of frustration "A lucid dream?" She asked I look back over to her "A what?" I reply "Lucid dreams are when you know that you're dreaming while you're asleep. You're aware that the events flashing through your brain aren't really happening. But the dream feels vivid and real. You may even be able to control how the action unfolds, as if you're directing a movie in your sleep." Dot explained to me "Oh," I reply with "But It didn't feel like that either.." I gave her a sad look "What?" She looked up into my optics "It feels like a memory, almost like it already happened-" I was then cut off by Nightshade "Mom! Look at what I found!" Nightshade said with happiness in their voice, I watched as Dot turned her head to look over to Nightshade "What is it Nightsh- oh my god!!, Nightshade put that down that's a dangerous animal!!!" Dot was surprised, shocked and scared of the large cat animal, I then saw it to and made sure Dot wouldn't get hurt from it, by lifting her onto my shoulder plate. Nightshade was confused "I do not quite understand how this is dangerous?, what is it?" Nightshade asked "Nightshade it's a cougar!, not a cat!" Dot said well trying to get them to put the cougar down "Oh?" Nightshade said "Might I ask what a Cougar is?"
I asked Dot "Later Megs." She replied, all of a sudden the cougar started to make a rumbling noise with it's eyes closed as Nightshade scratched it behind it's ears and side of the head, it's tail flicked from side to side slowly and calmly "Is it?.. Purring?" Dot said in confusion "It appears so." Nightshade said with a smile "What's around its neck?, Nightshade come here and show me." Dot said, Nightshade walked over to Me and Dot "What the?.." Dot spoke out "What is it?" I ask Dot "It's a caller??" She replied "Can we keep it!" Nightshade said with joy "No!, it's not ours!, maybe it belongs to a wild life conservation?" She said so confused "It's ok, you will figure it out." I said to Dot "Thank you Megs." She replied, Nightshade felt the cougar start licking their servo well purring out loud, and I slightly smile....

(Time skip!!)

Your pov!

I was licking this green robots hand because it was nice to me, it held me like I was an actual house cat and it was my owner although I was in joying my time I was now getting a little bit fussy because I wanted to be put down at some point, I made a low grumbling noise and slightly squirmed, didn't work, I then made a louder grumbling noise and squirmed a bit harder, It worked. the green robot then let me go and I jumped out of its arms and landed on the ground, I was listening to my surroundings and then heard children laughing and playing, I turned my head in the direction of the the laughter and then saw two children and a lot more robots, the green robot was back to talking with the woman who they called mom, I then got an idea, I slowly got down and crouched in a spring position, I walked slowly and quietly as I made my way over., and then!, I was off sprinting to one of the kids like they were my pray "NO!!" I heard the woman yell in horror from behind me, the kid looked over in horror as I pounded onto her and we both tumbled over, I held her under my fluffy body and waged my tail and celebrated as I caught my 'pray'. everyone was in shock and didn't see what happened except for the mother, I then sat up and watched as the kid was still on the ground with her eyes closed, I made a low growl in confusion if she was going to get up at all, I softly pawd at her. nothing, I pawd at her again and then licked her cheek, I purred loudly as everyone watch this happen when they had thought I killed her, the girl slightly giggled as I kept licking at her face, she was now laughing again, I then grabbed her by the caller of her shirt and dragged her over to the to robots at the tree who were stunned, I then let go of the girls shirt and sat down and wagged my tail with a low purr escaping my throat "Mom!, Why do we have a cougar?" The girl asked, and her mother was horrified and slightly shaking that her kid was still alive, "Megs, p-please let me down." the woman spoke and the large gray robot let her down carefully, my eyes slightly widened and my pupils dilated at the large gray robot, he was kinda?.. handsome-.. Don't get me wrong!, but he was giving slut- I MEAN SOFT!! YEAH SOFT!,..

(Time skip!!)

It was now night time and the other people went into their home to go sleep and their robot friends went into the big barn that was the in the backyard,
I was outside all alone in the dark of the night sky with only the moonlight to guide me wherever, when I listened to my surroundings, I knew it was time for me to shapeshifte back into a human and so I did, I was a surprisingly hot person but I would never date someone who took me for my beauty, like who would do that to me?, oh yeah. A lot of people., I walked over towards the barn quietly and started to quietly walk past it, my footsteps gentle and faint, I did it! I passed the barn and looked around to find a spot to lay down in the grass, I then walked over to the main part of the backyard and lay'd down, I gassed up at the stars and closed my eyes for a minute or two.
I was so comfortable and plus I smelt like a good campfire that was still burning, I then felt like I was being watched from a far I opened my eyes and looked around and then saw the gray robot from earlier, my eyes widened as we held eye contact for a minute, I stand up in a slight panic and back up "Please don't hurt me." I said quietly "......" he didn't respond "please?" I said in more of a question "It's?... you." He said softly "sorry?" I said in a 'what?' kind of way, I looked at him confusingly
"Your the one I saw in my dream" he said as his eyes looked at me with a 'woah' in them, I watched him as he slowly got down onto one leg/knee, 'is he wanting me to go over to him?' I think in my mind "I will not hurt you, nor do I intend on hurt you." He said softly as he put his hand out slowly up to my torso level, my hands to my chest as I go to take a step but then hesitate immediately "When there's a promise given to me, I will keep it." he said reassuringly,
I then took the step that I hesitated about a second ago and kept walking all the way until I was able to touch his hand, I slowly and softly take one of my hands off my chest and towards his hand. I now had my gently hand on his hand, I blush a little but not visible to the eye "See?" The gray robot said carefully choosing his words, I then flinch my head up to him "S-sorry." he then apologized for straddling me, "mmph.." I huffed out softly "I hope this doesn't sound weird or something, but you have a nice sent." He said respectfully "Thank you." I said softly,
he smiled "Might escort you to the barn?" He offered "Y-yes please." I reply, he hold my hand and escorts me to the barn, as we made are way to the barn he asked me one last question "What is your name?"
He asked "..Y/n... Y/n L/n." I replied nicely "And you are?" I ask "....Megatron." He replied and I smile "That's a lovely name.." I said and we entered the barn with caution, we talk the night away until the sun arose for a new day to come.......


words: 1782

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