"Jazz likes?.. WHO!?!?" ≠TFA Jazz x Human! reader≠

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Your pov!

God I was so tired.. why couldn't I just go to sleep? why won't my eyes just let me rest? why?, just why?.. I sighed and sang a soft lullaby to try and get me to sleep "You are my moonlight, my only moonlight, you make me smile when sky's are blank, you'll never know dear how much I love you, please don't take my moonlight away." I closed my eyes and continued to sing my lullaby to help me sleep, my was windows open so if anyone walked passed and listened carefully, they would be able to hear me singing, I continued my lullaby "The other night, dear as I lay sleeping I dreamed I held you in my arms when I awoke, dear I was mistaken so I hung my head and I cried.." I had a small yawn, so I continued "You are my moonlight, m-my only moonlight, you make me smile when sky's are blank," I yawned again "Y-you'll never know dear h-how much I love you, please don't.. take, my moonlight.., away..." I feel asleep under my nice cool covers, my body heating up very slowly to make me warm and comfortable well I slept.

(Night time skip!!)

I was working in my coffee shop, serving costumes like always, well I was working and making an order someone walked in and walked up to main counter "I will get to you in just a moment!" I said politely as I finished up the order and walked over to the person who was waiting for there order, I carefully handed them there order and they thanked me, I walked back over to the main counter "Alright, what can I get for you today?" I said and looked over to the costumer "Hi Y/n!" a girl with red hair "Sari?" I said with a little laugh "What are you doing here?, come to get a snack?" I smiled "Yes!, and I want you to meet me here in the park lot I will pick you put." Sari smiled with a slight laugh, "Sounds good to me." I said and gave her a small gift bag with treats inside "Thank you Y/n!, I will pay you back when I pick you up!!" Sari replied with a smile, I watched her walk towards the store door "Happy Halloween!" She said as she left, I waved goodbye to her with a smile, "This kid is just my pride and joy." I said to myself and went back to serving my costumes.

(Time skip 2 hours!!)

"Finally," I sighed out as I locked my store door,
I heard the rev of an engine, I turned around and saw a really nice white car, it was a Pontiac Solstice GXP "Woah." I whispered to myself, the car stopped and the window rolled down "Hi Y/n!, I'm back!" Sari said with a smile, she was in the passenger seat "Hello again Sari!" I waved softly "I brought you a present!, a spooky present." Sari said with a funny face, I couldn't help but laugh "Oh Sari, you didn't have to." I smiled softly "You can open the back door, and hop in!" Sari replied and the car unlocked by itself, I walked over to the back door and opened it gently, I saw the present on the seat and smiled happily, I had also got into the car and closed the door gently "Uhh?, where's the driver?" I asked Sari "There is no driver," Sari replied "It drives by itself." She said right after, the car then started back up again "Is this safe?" I asked slightly concerned "Yup!" Sari replied to my question, and we were off "Y/n have you ever considered having kids" Sari said "Absolutely not." I replied "Hahaha, I knew you were going to say that," Saris laughed "You are already enough!" I said slightly giggling "But I'm not your kid?" Sari questioned "Well I pretty much see you every time I'm at work, and some of my customers there think your my kid haha." I said slightly waving it off, Sari looked back at me from the passenger seat like she just had a sugar rush, and I looked back at her "Could you be my work mom!?!" Sari asked happily, I looked at her with a 'say what-' kind of look "Uh?, well-, I mean?-" I sigh "Sure, I can be your at 'work mom'." I replied in defeat, at being at loss for words I just smiled "Yay!" Sari smiled, she then started speaking to the car "You hear that!, I got a work mom!" Sari said to the car, the car used it radio ":;A single mom who works two jobs and loves her kids and never stops, and the gentle hand of a fighter, I'm a servicer.;:" the car replied, Sari laughed and I awkwardly sighed, the cars radio spoke again ":;Come on pretty little lady smile!;:" It replied to me after I sighed, I jerked my head up and looked at the radio and pointed at myself "M-me?" I ask it,
Sari giggled a bit "Pretty?" I said right after, Sari was smiling like a crazy person with evil little plans ":;Pretty girl not likin' it?;:" It replied with a slight laugh in its sentence, 'Was this car flirting with me!?' I thought to myself "Sari what is going oonn-oh no you have 'that' look on your face.." I looked at her concerned for what she has for to see, Sari looked back at me, smiling, "Sari please no." I begged for her to not say what I think she was going to say "Pull over into a forest." Sari said to the car, and it did as it was told, I held my head in my hands and sighed, we pulled over and drove into a forest, the car parked itself and Sari got out of the passenger seat,
I also got out of the car and walked over to Sari "Please!, please! tell me what is going on with the cars radio." I slightly begged, Sari sighed and looked at me"You promise you won't tell anyone!" She asked "I promise-" "No I mean it!, you need to promise me you won't tell anyone." Said said one more time "I promise, my word will be kept and put away, never to be seen by anyone." I promise dearly, She nodded slightly and turned to the car "You can come out now." She said to the car, sounds of the car moving by itself was something else, It started transformering and I watched, my eyes slowly going wide, It then looked at me and slightly bent down "The names Jazz pretty lady." Jazz smiled at me, and held out a hand "....Y-Y/n.." I said slightly not at ease "No need to be unnerved Pretty lady." Jazz shook my hand "I've heard lots about you, Sari told me." Jazz said to me "Sari!" I gasped and looked over at her "Hey it's alright though, I don't mind~" Jazz smiled again "You said you needed a man!, so I got you one!" Sari replied to me "I didn't say anything about me 'needing a man'!!" I said and blushed a lot when she said that "Sari!!, it you ever tell Optimus, I will kill you!" I said right after "Wait-.. you know Optimus?" Jazz asked me, and I looked back at him "Yes, I know Optimus, I know him a little to well, that he just pretty much adopted me as his daughter." I replied to Jazz "....." Jazz was processing what I said "....HUH!?!" Jazz finally replied, I took a breather and sat myself down on the forest ground "You?- how?- Optimus and you!?-" Jazz was confused "Just don't worry about it right now." I said softly "I think shes right Jazz." Sari replied "How about we all just take a moment and sit." I said to both of them, as I was already on the ground sitting.

Jazz's pov!

I listened to Y/n and sat down, Sari did the same,
Y/n was so beautiful just sitting there, I felt myself staring at her figure a little to much, thank primus I had blue visor that nobody could see through
"I know your staring Jazz." Y/n said straight to me, "Staring?, w-what?, no!" I slightly stuttered out, 'What the primus!? how did she know!' I thought to myself "Y/n are you ok now?" Sari asked "Yes I'm fine now." Y/n replied softly "I didn't mean to start something, I'm sorry." I apologized for what had happened a few minutes ago "It's alright Jazz, don't be sorry." Y/n said softly, I slightly blush, a faint blue dusted over my cheek plates, until I got a call from Optimus ";Jazz, where are you and Sari.;" Optimus said through his radio "We are on our way back to base, just taking a small break prime." I replied to him, I looked over to Sari "Sari, we have to get back to base, Optimus is getting a little.. you know." I said with a slight frown "Y/n," I said and turned my head to her "Wanna come with us?" I asked her, now smiling to myself "If I'm a surprise for Optimus," she replied "Then sure." she said right after, I smiled and quickly transformed into my alt mode, I revved my engine and opened my front doors "Y/n, you can sit in the drivers seat." I said "Sari, passengers seat!".

(Time skip next day!!)

"Bumblebee wanna know a secret?" I whispered to Bumblebee "Yeah!" Bumblebee slightly yelled out,
so I shushed him quickly "Ok come here." I said quietly and Bumblebee came closer to me, I then whispered in his audio receptor and told him my secret, Bumblebee gasped like never before "Yo!" Bumblebee said excitedly "Can't tell anyone." I said with a slight death glare from my visor, and he agreed.

(Time skip 2 hours later!!)

Optimus' pov!

I was carrying Y/n in my servo because she was tired and still waking up "Optimus!, Optimus!, can we talk?" Bumblebee said well slight jogging up to me "Bumblebee?, what is it?" I asked "It's something Jazz told me." Bumblebee said slightly smiling "Oh?" I replied "What did he say?" I asked once more,
I softly set Y/n down on a crater that was next to me "Jazz likes Y/n!" Bumblebee said with a smile, I was shocked, I took a moment to process what he just said, "Jazz likes?.. WHO!?!?" I replied as my optic slightly twitched 'Oh primus he's about to go offline.'


words: 1804

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