I am scared and broken ROTB ≠Mirage x Human! Immortal! reader≠

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Mirage's pov!

"So?, where am I taking you?" I asked Y/n "To my school, I just need you to drop me off and pick me up for today," she replied with a slight bored smile "Alright!, but just a quick question," I asked "Yes?" she replied "Why can't Bumblebee do it today?, is he like doing something I don't know about, or, or, maybe!-" "He's helping Optimus with something and told me that you were going to drive me to school." she cut me off and I huffed a bit "Sorry for cutting you off," she apologized "It's alright babe~" I expected her apology "Don't!, call me that." She suddenly bursts out "Ok!, ok." I replied putting my servos up in defence, "Can we get going please?" She asked nicely "Yeah, we can." I replied and transformed into my alt mode and opened the passenger door like a gentlemen "Thank you." she said softly and got in, I started driving while she told me the directions and hey I did pretty good for my first time taking her somewhere I've never been, we arrived and she opened my door, soft to her touch on one part of my door I revved up my engine as a purr and this clearly caught her attention real quick "Seriously!" she whisper yelled to me with a slight blush put over her cheeks "Yeah~" I said warmly from my radio "I swear to fuck if you ever do that again," She said a little embarrassed and then continued to talk "Just you know what, I will see you after school ok?, meet me over at the parking lot." she said and pointed in the direction of the parking lot, "Ok, I will meet you there after school." I replied with a hidden smile on my face and she couldn't see it "Ok, thank you. see you after school to Mirage." she replied softly with a smile this time, I revved up my engine again getting ready to leave "Hey, drive safe please." she said quickly before I almost left "Safe is my middle name babe!~" I laughed out and drove off "Ok, Mira- SERIOUSLY!!!!!" I heard her yell out as I drove off.

Your pov!

I walked into my school as usual always going to my locker first and then my main class, I didn't have any friends not even one, well I did have the Autobots and maybe a Decepticon but I haven't told any of them or anyone, I also missed the old days when I went to visit the royal mansion where Cogman and Hot Rod were and let me tell you, I missed them a lot but I will never know if I'll ever see them again. But that's ok.. right?.... I was sat at my desk for a few minutes and was suddenly called up "Y/n, could you please presentated your documentary about the plague." My thatcher asked me "Um, sure?" I replied and set up everything "The Black Death (also known as the Pestilence, the Great Mortality or the Plague) was a bubonic plague pandemic occurring in Western Eurasia and North Africa from 1346 to 1353. It is the most fatal pandemic recorded in human history, causing the deaths of 75–200 million people, peaking in Europe from 1347 to 1351.
Septicemic plague: Patients develop fever, chills, extreme weakness, abdominal pain, shock, and possibly bleeding into the skin and other organs. Skin and other tissues may turn black and die, especially on fingers, toes, and the nose. Diagnosis is made by taking samples from the patient, especially blood or part of a swollen lymph gland, and submitting them for laboratory testing. Once plague has been identified as a possible cause of the illness, appropriate treatment should begin immediately." I said and finished my presentation "Thank you Y/n, You can go sit down now." my teachers said, I walked back over to my desk and sat down 'When will this day end..' I think in my head and continue on with my day, 3 hours go past and my phone buzzed well I was in class, I looked at my phone and saw that I was getting a call from the Autobots' "Shit." I whispered out "Miss L/n, Turn your phone off or I will take it away." My science teacher told me "Sorry it's my dad, he just texted me that my mom was in the hospital and he's telling me to go home right now that's why he's calling me!" I said like it was a horrible accident that happened "O-Oh!, alright go take the call and go down to the office and sign out." He told me and I nod, 'Holy shit that lie fucking worked!' I thought in my mind, I pack up my bag and walked out the classroom, after I did that I ran in the hallways and down the stairs, I pick up the call "Why are you calling me!" I slightly yelled into my phone thinking it was maybe Mirage, god he's a pain in my ass at most places "We need your help." Once I herd the deep voice my eyes widened, and I took a moment "Y/n!" The deep voice on the other side of my phone snapped me out of thought "I'm on my way!" I replied and started sprinting down the hallway and the stairs and out the door, my ride was already there "Hop on!" The female voice yelled out to me "Arcee!" I said running over to her and hopping on, I held on tight and she revves her engine as she sped off with me "What happened!" I slightly yelled out to Arcee "Something happened to bumblebee!" She replied and I lightly gasp.

(Time skip!!)

Me and Arcee had made it back to base I hoped off and started running towards the huge Autobot sized door of the base "WHAT HAPPENED!?!" I yelled out I was ferocious and about to cry if it was bad "Y/n please fallow me!" Optimus spoke with a bit of anger I was running well he took big steps towards the data-berth room where Bumblebee was, the doors opened and I ran inside, "BEE!!" I yelled out scared, Optimus wrapped his servo around me gently and picked me up bring me to Bumblebees level well he was on the berth, once I saw his face I gasp loudly, Bumblebee was offline.. "n-no.. no, nO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!" I yelled out in horror and pain, Optimus was hurt when he saw me start crying, Mirage and Arcee walked in when they heard all the yelling,
"Optimus everything goo-" Mirage saw me in Optimus' servo and his optics widened "Oh no," Mirage whispered out lowly, I cried and cried, then Optimus put me down slowly and softly, what I needed right now was Noah, just us two, and of course Optimus new what I needed at all times "Mirage." Optimus spoke with his deep voice "Sir." Mirage replied "Take Y/n to Noah." Optimus said and then got on both his knees, he picked me up softly and brought me close to his face, he softly nuzzled my head and told me it's going to be ok, I wiped a few tears away and nuzzled his face back
"I promise I will do anything and everything to get him back for us,.. for you." Optimus said seriously,
"O-ok." I hicced a bit and then wrapped my arms around his face, hugging him tightly, I let go and Optimus then hands me to Mirage, I kept my eyes on Optimus and when he handed me to Mirage, Mirage holds me carefully and then transformes into his alt mode, I was in the passenger seat well he drove. "Hey, it's going to be ok you know?" Mirage said softly through his radio "No Mirage, it's not going to be ok!, I lost bumblebee again!, more then twice!.
I am scared and broken.." I started crying again "Hey, hey, hey, don't cry, let's pull over, take a minute and go into the forest. yeah?" Mirage said and started to slow down, and drive into the nearby forest, Mirage parked himself and I got out of his alt mode and let him transform, Mirage transformed back into his bot form and walked over to me, I just looked up at him and watched him as he crouched down to my level, he then sat down on the ground legs spread apart and putting his arms out for me to hug him, I slowly start walking towards him, He hugs me and I feel warm inside and like I was going to cry again "There we go!, now we're good!" Mirage said with a smile and silliness in his voice, I hugged him back and got closer to his face, I pecked him on the cheek plate "Thank you.. Mirage." I said softly and got him all flustered, a few minutes go by and we got back on the road to Noah's once again.


words: 1533

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