D-A-D-A G-I-R-L. Dadas girl, Dadas girl.. ≠Decker x Human! reader x Gunmax≠

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Your pov!

I was sitting on top of one of the craters in base well drawing, I felt a soft poke at my back "Yes Decker?" I sighed softly "Sorry to bother you miss Y/n," Decker apologized "It's alright," I said with a small smile "Permission to continue?" He asked and waited for my answer "Permission to continue as you please." I lightly laugh at his sweetness "Might we go for a walk in the forest?" He asked with a small smile on his face "Sure, of course we can," I said softly and packed up my drawing stuff by shoving it all in my bag "Let's go." I said with a smile and we started walking.

(slight time skip!!)

A few minutes go past and we arrived at the forest, and what I didn't know is that, Decker was going to saw something I have never heard anyone say to me. we continued walking through the forest and found a spot to sit down and what not "So what's it like being touched on the sides? like being picked up?" Decker asked me and I got flustered really fast, I opened my mouth and Decker asked another question "And what's it like being human?" He ask me and not noticing that my face was red from embarrassment and from what he first said "Uh- well?- haha- um-"
I was to flustered to say anything "Well?" He said questionably, I pulled myself together "I don't know how to respond to the first one, but I can answer the second question." I said still a bit flustered but not as much "Really?" He replied "Yes really." I quitly laugh "So what's it like?" He asked once more, so I replied "Being human is something you can't choose or whatever, as a human you can have up's and down's like if your happy or when your sad, human is just whatever it is, and to me my human life is just a funny joke with a lot of people who say they care for me but then betrayed me and think it's funny because I was nothing to them in the first few seconds of meeting each other and now they went back to being strangers that chose to make fun of me and call me thing that is wrong and always do something to make my life miserable and make me look like I was joke in the first place!, and UGH!!, I hate peoples!" My words got out of hand and sidetracked off roadway, I hugged my legs close to my chest "Oh?, so being human sucks for you?," He asked softly "Mhm.." I hum out sadly "But why?, your beautiful though?, if I met you before I ever met you here I would ask you to be my friend." He said trying to cheer me up "Thank you Decker, but my life is just a lie, a joke.." I sigh out, I suddenly felt a hand gently grab me by my waist "Woah-" I said quietly "It's alright, I got ch-ya." Decker said and carefully held me, I inhale softly.

Deckers' pov!

"This is a little high up." Y/n said "It's nice, just don't drop me." She said softly "You won't fall I promise." I smiled and felt a little warm inside "Alright." Y/n replied softly, I know I was holding her carefully in my servo, but I felt like I was touching her to much, 'should I put her down?, is this to much for her?, she looks comfortable with the position she's in?, what is happening to me!!, why can't I say it!, will she feel the same way!?, what if-!' I thought relentlessly in my head but then was cut off by another voice that was not Y/n's "There you are." the nice toned voice said "Huh?" I reply to the voice and saw who it was, it was Gunmax, I then looked at Y/n and saw her head turn around to also see who it was "Gunmax?" Y/n said confusingly "Hey lovely." He replied to Y/n "Don't call me that!" I heard Y/n huff out softly "Gunmax." I growl as I slightly glared at him "Decker." Gunmax growled back at me "Me and Y/n are spending time together at the moment." I said, still holding my glare at him "Well that's to bad, I was going to ask it I could join you." Gunmax sighed and put on a small act "You can go." I said to make him stop this dumb act from going any farther,
I looked back down to Y/n and she looked back up at me "Please Decker?" She looked at me with her beautiful face and figure, I couldn't help but blush a little "Ugh, ok fine." I said softly to her "Thank you Decker, your the best!" She replied to me, I felt my cheek plates heat up "Y-yeah!" I smile at her, "Gunmax!, you can stay." Y/n said softly to Gunmax, Gunmax perked up and smiled, he walked over and sat down with me and Y/n, "So what were you two talking about before I got here?, that's if, you two were talking about anything." Gunmax asked the both of us "Oh, Decker and I were talking about what it's like being human, more a so, he was questioning me." Y/n said respectfully "Oh really?" Gunmax said "Yes." Y/n replied to him, I was a little silent at the moment, but at least I still had Y/n in my servo,
so she was all mine "Might I ask a question?" Gunmax replied to her "Of course, I don't mind."
I heard Y/n say "What do you love?, what makes you feel like your happy?" Gunmax asked "Hmm, what do I love and what makes me happy?" I heard Y/n think about what she was going to say "Well?, I love my friends and the outdoors!, and what makes me happy is you guys and my d-..." Y/n stopped talking right before she could finish what she was saying, "Never mind, forgive me for ever bringing up what makes me happy,.. I don't what to talk about it." Y/n said softly with sadness in her voice "It's alright Y/n" I forgive Y/n "No need to apologize Y/n." I heard Gunmax reply after me, I softly run my pointer digit across her side and Gunmax caught on, Gunmax decided to join in and run his pointer digit across
Y/n's other side "hehe," Y/n slightly let out a giggle, I run my pointer digit up and down her side a little faster and so did Gunmax "Hahah!" Y/n laughed out, me and Gunmax continue this a little more "Hahahah!- Guys!- Haha!! please!- heheh! S-stop!" Y/n kept laughing, and I couldn't help but laugh to, and Gunmax giggled, I stopped running my pointer digit across her side and so did Gunmax. I softly put her down so I could stand up "Let's all go for a walk." I said "Sounds good to me!" I heard Y/n say with a smile "Sure." Gunmax agreed, Gunmax stood up, and we all started walking, in joying mother nature and her beauty of the forest "Y/n seems to be happier now that all three of us are together, why is she?" Gunmax whispered to me, little confused on why she was happier that all three of us spending time together "Maybe she has feelings for one of us?" I whisper back "Are we her favourite bot's?" Gunmax whispered back to me again "Guys look at me!" Y/n suddenly called out to me and Gunmax, "Y/n?" Gunmax said and looked over in the direction of where he heard her voice, and so did I, "Look!, I'm hanging upside down!" Y/n yelled out to us with a smile, something about her smile made me week in the knees panels "Hmhm~" I hum out a bit "Y/n don't hurt yourself!" I heard Gunmax yell out to her "I won't!~" Y/n giggled out and propped herself back up and sat happily on the tree branch, Gunmax smiled to himself, and I smiled weekly.

Gunmax's pov!

God she makes me week in the knee panles, 'I want to kiss her, hold her, and have her all to myself, she could even ride my motorcycle with me!~', I think to myself in my as I keep my optics on her, Y/n looked back over at me and Decker "You guys coming?" She asked with a smile, I blushed and stiffened up "Yup!, we're coming!" I said with an embarrassed smile "Don't rush us!" Decker laughed and walked over to the tree she was in, I fallowed beside him, and laughed lightly "Come close!, I have a secret." Y/n motioned for me and Decker to be close to her, and so we do, we got closer to her to listen to her secret.

Your pov!

I kissed them. It happened. I. had. kissed. them. I was I thinking?, well this is what I was thinking 'OMG I DID IT WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!!, Y/N SHUT UP!! YOU DID NOT JUST KISS THE BOTH OF THEM ON THE SIDE OF THER CHEEK PLATES!!, OMG, OMG, OMG!! NOPE IM OUT OF HERE!, BYE!!!!' I yelled at myself in my head freaking the fuck out, I quickly got up and climbed back down the tree and sped walked away with a stiff posture, I had left them flustered and a blushing mess because I just kissed the both of them, AT LEAST I DIDNT KISS THEM ON THE MOUTH-, "Keep walking and don't fuckin' stop." I whispered to myself with a high pitch voice "Don't even stop."
I said to myself one last time.

Gunmax's pov!

I was stunned and a blushing mess at this point.
"SHE KISSED ME!!" I yelled out like those weird high school girls I saw in a show I had watched with Y/n.

Decker's pov!

I was smiling like a crazy ass bot.
"SHE KISSED ME!!" I had yelled out nsync with Gunmax.

both Gunmax's and Decker's pov!

Gunmax: "What!?"
Decker: "What!?"
Gunmax: "No! She kissed me first!"
Decker: "No! She kissed me first!"
Gunmax: "Stop copying what I'm saying at the same time!"
Decker: "Stop copying what I'm saying at the same time!"
Gunmax: "No you!"
Decker: "No you!"
Gunmax: "Ugh!"
Decker: "Ugh!"

(Time skip to night time!!)

Your pov!

I was sitting on one of the creatures in the base back to drawing, and all of a sudden I hear this agitating, grading voice, well two voices, I didn't bother to look up because it probably wasn't for me since nobody had said my name, "Stop it!" I heard somebody yell out "She's mine!" I heard another one yell out "Yeah well she kissed me first!" I heard the first person say back to the second person, I then instantly new who it was, it was Decker and Gunmax, they were fighting I inhale and sigh deeply with a tired look on my face, I continue drawing what I was drawing and didn't bother to look up at them because I didn't want to be involved, but, I was, "Y/n there you are." I heard Decker say in his soft voice "Hello Decker." I yawned "Hello Y/n." I heard Gunmax say a second after "Hello Gunmax." I replied softly "Do you two need something?" I asked "Could I get a good night kiss?" Decker asked me softly and respectfully "Me to?" Gunmax asked as well with patience and hope, I sigh out loud "Ok fine." I said and motioned for them to bend down a little so I can reach them, I watched as they bent down a little bit and I stand up, I kissed Decker on the side of his derm and said good night to him, I then kissed Gunmax on the of his derm and said good night to him as well "Good night to the both of you, and stop fighting." I said to them "I love you both." I smiled and rubbed my eyes with a yawn.


words: 2081

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