My ocean home ≈LL Drift x Human! reader≈

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My user -> @the_real_starscream

Your pov!

"Y/n!, did you get the test results for the sea turtles at the rescue sanctuary?" one of your coworkers asked "Uh?, yeah why?" I replied "Because the rescue sanctuary needs it soon, not only that but the people at the rescue sanctuary are planning to release the sea turtles today." your coworker replied "I can send it now, so then you to not bother me well your still here." I said with a sigh "Yeah right!, like I have ever bothered you-" they replied "You have." one of the other coworkers interrupted well they walked past "Huh!-" "Ok I sent it," I said right after they said that "My job here is done." I replied to myself and got up from my desk aria and put my hat on "Whhhaaat your leaving now??" the coworker asked "Well I finished all my work, like I was told." I said and walked past them "Take me with yooooou!" they asked "Find a new jooooob." I said well walking out the door of my work place and left, and now I was on my way home.

(Time skip!!)

I was in my bedroom getting my bathing suit on "Good enough." I said to myself, I was going to go to the beach since it was nice and hot out, I walked downstairs and put my shoes on and walked out the door with only my bathing suit on, I hopped into my car and started it up, I drove out of my driveway and started driving to the beach, I was listening to the radio as the music played, I decided to connect my phone to the radio and play my own music and what I put on was.. something else-, I was listening to music by CupcakKe it was CPR!, the song was now coming up to my favourite part so I cleared my throat and got ready to sing the best part in the song "Yo' dick brick-hard like a medal (uh)
I got three holes for it like a pretzel (mhm)
Tight as a virgin boy don't get nervous (tight)
I'm here to serve you customer service (right)
I save dick by giving it CPR
(I save dick by giving it CPR, yes)
Put my mouth on it like CPR
(Let's make porn and watch it on VCR)!" I sang it like there was no tomorrow, many minutes go by and I arrived at the beach, I got out of my car and grabbed my towel and boat-pass and put them in my bag, I started walking down towards the beach trail opening and over to a small building with someone inside, I walked up to the building window that was open "Hi how can I help you today." the lady at the building stand said to me "I have a boat-pass, I would like to sign in please." I replied, I watched her take notes "Alright, I need your ID and boat-pass license number." She said and put her note pad on a table that was behind her, I handed her my ID and my boat-pass license that had everything on it,
I watched her look over all of it and she handed my ID and boat-pass back to me "Alright, here you go, have a good time!" She smiled, I thanked her and walked away, I walked over to the dock where my boat was, yes I owned this boat.

(The boat)

I unhooked my boat from the dock and hopped in,I sat down in my driver seat and took the boat key out of my bag, I placed the key into the key slot and started the boat so then it's up and runnin' "I missed you

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I unhooked my boat from the dock and hopped in,
I sat down in my driver seat and took the boat key out of my bag, I placed the key into the key slot and started the boat so then it's up and runnin' "I missed you." I said and patted the boat's dashboard, I drove the boat at a normal speed, slow like a cruise boat, a few minutes go by and I stopped the boat in the water, I remained on my seat and pulled a book out of my bag, as I read my book I sang a soft song well I sat there "Eyes open wide, blinded by the sun now
Orange and white, dark red, green and yellow
Rainbow colours~
Do not hide, see the view~
Step aside, go through~" I sang to myself, but little did I know, I was being watched and listened to, all of a sudden and dead fish was thrown onto my boat as it made a 'splat!' sound, I slightly jumped at the sound and held my hand to my chest where my heart was, it was beating a little fast "Holy shit!, that scared me-" I said to myself, I got up and off my seat, I took a step forwards and picked up the freshly killed fish on my boat "Huh, not bad?" I said to myself "But what could have killed it?.." I questioned myself and looked all around my boat from were I was standing already, I then looked back at the fresh dead fish in my hands, (SILLY PART LOL!!! Hiccup reference as well!, [in the homecoming one!!]) And then it hit me, 'SMACK!!' , I was hit in the back of my head with a nether freshly killed fish "OW!-" I yelped, now slightly rubbing the back of my head in sight pain..

Drift's pov!

"Rodimus!" I slightly yelled at Rodimus well we were under water "What!" Rodimus replied "You just hit that poor femme in the back of the helm!!" I yelled a little bit more, literally going to lecture him if he does it again "With a fish!!!" I said a little above tone "I didn't mean to!, like oh my primus Drift take a break and relax!-" Rodimus was making my optic slightly twitch in annoyance "I didn't want her to see us!, nor do I-" I was cut off by Rodimus "Uh?, Drift?" "What Rodim-!" I replied but then my helm was forcefully turned to face the human femme "I think she likes your kill-.." Rodimus said and took his servos off of my helm, a blue tint started to cover my cheek plates when I saw she was holding the fish I killed, in her servos, she didn't look disgusted by it nor did she look unamused by it?, she looked?, pleased?, and happy?, "Oh my primus.." I whispered to myself, "She took your kill-" Rodimus said a little shocked "SHE TOOK YOUR KILL!?!" Rodimus was not freaking out, I was to stunned to speak "Drift!! You have a sparkmate now!!, go meet her!" Rodimus chanted for me to go meet the femme that was still holding onto my kill "Rodimus I can't! she doesn't have a tail like us!, and I don't even know her!-" I slightly stuttered in response not knowing how the frag I just got a sparkmate that walks on land and doesn't have a tail like us murformers, Rodimus on the other hand, he put his hand on the boat's side and lifted his head out of the water, I shot my head up in his direction and started to panic..

Your pov!

"Uh, I guess I will have to keep these.., man I really didn't wa- WOAH!-" I lightly yelled out when my boat slightly tipped to the side, I fell to the ground a little hard "Oww...." I said well rubbing my back in pain "That hurt a lot-" I whined to myself, as the fish fell off to one side of my boat, I started hearing someone trying to talk to me but it only sounded like chirps, cooing and small klicks, I felt a cold metal thing touch my back and help me up, I held on carfully so then I wouldn't fall and what I saw next would be nothing that I ever expected..


words: 1341

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