It happened overnight 🥱😴 ≠RB Chase x Human! reader≠

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Your pov!

"Y/n, we have a problem." Chief Burns said as he opened my backyard door "What's the Problem Charlie?" I ask Chief Burns "It's Chase." He replied "Oh no, what happened?" I said as I rushed to get my shoes and my sweater on "The real question is, how did it happen." Chief Burns said, I was so confused, is Chase ok? is he hurt?, I guess I'll have to see for myself.

(Time skip!)

Chief Burns opened his house door and we both walked inside, I took my shoes off and placed them on the shoe rack "Chase I'm back." Chief Burns called out to the empty house, because all of his kids were working "Chief?" A sudden soft voice replied, my head slightly jolted up when I heard the response "Chase?" I said softly as a head slowly peeked out from the kitchen hallway "Y/n?" He replied, I just stood there with a stunned face, I watched as Chase came out from the corner fully, he was wearing one of Chief Burns police shirts and a pair of shorts "Chase what happened!" I said and walked over to him and hugging him "Are you ok?, what happened?, how did this happen!" I ask well still keeping my arm wrapped around him, Chase was confused to "I am not sure how this happened." Chase replied, I could feel his cold metal neck on mine, I slightly felt a shiver down my spine, I took my sweater off and gently took Chases arm one to the other and put them through the sweater sleeves "There, now you won't be cold well your here." I said softly as I put my hand on his cheek plate, I looked over to Chief Burns and he looks back at me.

(Time skip few minutes!!)

The three of we were sitting on the couch, me and Chief Burns were talking with each other,
Chase on the other hand, was slowly inched his servo closer to my hand, I noticed it but kept talking to Chief Burns as I softly picked up Chases servo and held it in my hand "Y/n I am not sure how it happened, nor what time it happened." Chief Burns spoke softly as he picked up his coffee cup and took a sip "We will figure it out soon, no need to rush Charlie, take your time." I replied softly, Chase lay'd himself down and lay'd his helm on my thigh,
Chase still had my sweater on himself,
"If it helps Charlie, I don't mind watching Chase so then he's not alone in the house if you'd like." I said softly and gently rubbed Chase's back with my hand "That would help me so much Y/n, thank you." Chief Burns thanked me "No problem." I replied softly,
me and Chief Burns heard purring coming from my lap, we both looked down and then saw who was purring, it was Chase "He's purring?" Chief Burns smiled slightly "He's like a cat." I slightly giggled and brought him a little closer to my side, "Why is he purring?, I've never heard him purr before." Chief Burns laughed with a smile on his face "He's a good bot, and grate one at his job." I put my hand on his helm and rubbed the back of his helm, Chase purred louder, I smiled and continued talking with Chief Burns about what to do this weekend together.

Chase's pov!

I had fell asleep on Y/n's right thigh for a few minutes, I woke up and saw that Y/n had also fallen asleep, her cheek rested on her hand with her eyes closed, her skin slightly cold, I get up and off the couch, I gently shook Y/n's shoulder so she would wake up but she didn't so I tried again, nothing
"Y/n?" I asked softly, she didn't open her eyes, nor respond, I softly sighed and went upstairs into Chief's room, I grabbed a blanket from his closet and walked back downstairs into the living room when Y/n was, "Cuddles please?" I asked and slightly shook her shoulder a little harder, she woke up and rubbed her eyes "Hmm?.." Y/n grownd softly "Yes Chase?" She slightly whispered "Cuddles?" I asked once more "Mmm.. ok come here." Y/n replied tiredly and lay'd her entire body on the couch,
I crawled in between her legs and lay'd down, I put the blanket over the both of us as we cuddled, I rest my helm on her stomach gently, and we both fell back asleep, together.


words: 788

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