second; reasons

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"Okay, this time. Blanket's mine for the night." Niko said to Kenny who was watching their videos on the TV.

Kenny looked at Niko who had just gotten out of his- their, bathroom. He had his NDL hoodie on with shorts. Definitely not suited for the cold night, who wears shorts knowing full well that the night would be freezing? And not to mention that his hoodie was just that. A hoodie. Kenny knows he's not wearing any shirt underneath.

"Are you sure the others don't have extra blankets?" Kenny didn't actually bother to ask around the house. He knew Niko would ask anyways so he didn't bother to, he trusts Niko.

"Nope, nada, even if they do, they don't really want to share." Niko shrugged and sat on the bed besides Kenny, the spring of the bed creaked and Kenny could feel a side of his body sinks as the bed does the same, Niko's weight was pushing the bed. Kenny scooted to his side a bit more so he won't sink and ends up leaning his body on Niko's.

Anyways, about the blankets. They do want to share, lots of them offered actually. Said they were annoyed by whatever noise they made last night and since they found out it was just about blankets, they offered some. Even the staffs.

Chunkz especially, he was really eager to give one of his spare blankets to them, Niko assumed Chunkz was just annoyed by their banter last night since Chunkz's room was the closest to theirs. But Niko refused and Chunkz asked why but Niko just left and thanked him, but before that, of course he said a couple of jokes that got Chunkz cursing in his mother tongue and praying to God.

Niko had his reasons, he always does. He always has a plan. Though this time, he wasn't really sure why he did it, or if it would actually have any good outcome.

"Well what can we do, right? Guess I'll need more clothes. Let me borrow one of your big hoodies man, they always keep me warm." Kenny walked to Niko's wardrobe, didn't even wait for Niko's answers cause he knew what it'll be. Thankfully, the room has 2 wardrobes. Which made it really compatible to have two people in it and was actually one of the reasons why Niko told Kenny to stay.

Niko got out of the bed and it made a small creak, he walked over to where Kenny was. The smaller man already opened the door to his wardrobe and walked inside, scrummaging through Niko's hoodie collection.

"Anything for you, Kenny." If Kenny flushed, he himself wouldn't notice. Niko stood behind Kenny. See, Kenny wasn't short but anyone that stands besides Niko will always seem like they are because the man is ridiculously tall despite being the youngest in the group. Niko towered over Kenny as his arm went over Kenny's head to take one of his bigger selection of hoodies. It's a bright NDL green-yellow shirt. Niko rarely wears it, only once, and that's to promote it on social medias. But Kenny wore it twice already, it was his favourite of Niko's clothes.

"Thanks man. I'm going to brush my teeth now. Close the lights, god I'm sleepy.." Kenny said as he threw the bright hoodie on the bed, wearing it later after he finished brushing his teeth.

Niko watched as Kenny walked to their bathroom, guilty that he lied about the blankets. But at least what he got out of it was Kenny wearing his clothes. It's not that Niko has a weird kink of people- Kenny, wearing his clothes but Niko likes feeling useful. He loves giving something, contributing anything and being able to do something good to his friends. Kenny.

And Kenny looks good wearing his clothes anyways, Niko loves seeing Kenny wearing and using his stuff.

Niko was grinning from eye to eye when he closed the lights and went back to bed. He pulled the blanket all the way to his shoulders and ready to sleep.

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