eighth; jealousy

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As planned, they had a discussion on what their next video will be. Obviously, beforehand they already had a hint of what they will be shooting in two days. It was a Guess the Gold Digger video, and this time it's Niko's turn.

"So, no changes, yeah? It's confirmed, Guess the Gold Digger?" Chunkz said as they were all seated on the sofa together with the crew in the room as well.

"Uhhh.." Niko glanced at Kenny. Like asking for permission, it's not like they're boyfriends or they're dating or anything. But they did promise to go on a date together after the shoot, so that must be something.

Niko hoped that Kenny wouldn't want him to do it because obviously, Niko knew he'd be an awkward mess whenever it comes to situations like Blind Dating or Guess the Gold Digger, and stuff like those.

Niko enjoyed seeing his friends do it, but he can't imagine himself doing it.

Also, Niko wouldn't lie when he hoped and kind of wanted Kenny to show a bit of jealousy and stop him from doing so. They all knew how Guess the Gold Digger works, Kenny himself had done it. (and Niko really wished that Kenny wouldn't do anything like it ever again)

When Kenny felt Niko looking at him, Kenny obviously didn't want to look like a possessive, and an overly jealous boyfriend. Kenny's not Niko's boyfriend, they haven't even gone on a date yet for god's sake. But Kenny just can't seem to scratch some parts of him that feels like Niko's his responsibility.

So Kenny just looked at Niko, they can talk just by their eyes. It showed that Kenny didn't mind (his heart says otherwise) because Kenny himself is a content creator, he knows that this is just for entertainment and the fans. Also, Kenny knew how much the fans wanted to see Niko's turn on this series and Kenny didn't have the right to stop Niko. It's not like they're together like that.


Kenny will be fine. Surely.

The remaining three, AJ, Sharky and Chunkz just looked between Kenny and Niko. Realising that their tension is still clearly there. Chunkz was quick to realise that the "talk" had gone fairly well. AJ didn't want to know what happened, and Sharky was a bit slow but caught up on it anyways.

"Yeah..sure." Niko said to them. The day had gone by quite well, a little more discussion happened here and there.

Before realising, the day of the shooting came.


Kenny was not looking forward to the day of their shooting. Kenny was usually always so excited to shoot, he loved spending time with his friends and even though they all live together in the same house and they see each other everyday. When they're shooting for a video, the atmosphere is always so different. In a good way.

There are no differences in their personalities or whatsoever off camera and on camera. But Kenny had always been the one over analysing things, and he probably is the only one to realise that in a way. They all are actually quite different, slightly.

Chunkz has his stupid moments, despite the viewers seeing him as the intelligent one but when they're shooting for a video it seems like Chunkz always had to do some sort of random fun facts to research, to make sure he maintains that facade. Kenny sometimes felt like he needed to talk to Chunkz about it, Chunkz should be honest to himself. Sharky, well, Sharky is more open. Sharky, unlike Chunkz,is more honest and himself. Kenny realised that Sharky was very comfortable in his own body, he doesn't try to be perfect and what people see in the video is the one and only Sharky. If Sharky has a bad mood that day, then in the video, he will be a bit more quiet, and if he's having a good day then he'll be a bit more lively. Sharky's honest, he's open, while Kenny will notice that Chunkz can be quite conflicted at times.

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