fourth; realisation

676 23 19

Kenny and Niko had just finished breakfast. Unlike AJ, Sharky, and Chunkz that had no plans for the day. Well, not that they know of. Chunkz would probably be going out at some point of the day, the man can't stand being at home for too long unless he overworked himself the previous day. While AJ and Sharky had always been a bit more comfortable just staying at home but lately, Sharky seems to be going out with Chunkz a lot. Leaving AJ at home with the crew, and the shorter man never complained. He quite liked the peace.

Niko went upstairs first to take a shower. Since Niko and Kenny shared the room, that means they also share a bathroom. Which means they have their own schedule of who uses the bathroom first, and Niko always showers first because Kenny is one of those people that spends too much time in the bathroom, but that only applies when they had just finished filming a day before and is on a few days break. When it's the busy and packed week, Kenny would go first so that the older (slower) man can be pressured to finish earlier and not take his sweet time in the bathroom.

He still spends more than 30 minutes, but that's a very short time in Kenny's perspective. Niko couldn't be bothered to argue with the man, Kenny would always win anyway, and Niko likes seeing Kenny try to put up a fight verbally. Kenny has a habit of stammering his words, and it might not be noticeable to Kenny and the others because of how used they are to it but Niko still finds it adorable and the taller man would sometimes just argue with Kenny just for the sake of hearing Kenny stuck with words.

When Niko went upstairs, Kenny was left with the three men. It was never awkward with them, all five of them had always just connected with each other. They're all like pieces of the same puzzle and they're very glad that they met each other.

"What're your plans today guys? Anything fun?" Sharky said, pouring apple juice on his cup from the fridge. He kicked the fridge door close with his foot as he drank the apple juice.

"Nah not really. Honestly, I'm planning to just chill and watch School Of Rock in the mafia room."

"School Of Rock? Again? You've watched that movie like a million times man." Sharky replied to Chunkz with a smirk. Kenny wonders why he smirked, but the boxer didn't think too much of it. His brain was still fumbled by the thought of waking up in Niko's arms. Which actually happened.

"Hey, It's not like I ever forced you to watch it with me." Chunkz replied as his shoulder shrugged. AJ side eyed the two as he took a picture of whatever he saw. He's probably going to snap it again. AJ had always been the one keeping the memories.

"How bout you, AJ?" Kenny asked, his hands on his face and eyes still droopy from sleep. Kenny was never a morning person.

AJ was awfully quiet, but AJ is like Kenny. Morning isn't really their cup of tea, and they're always low on energy especially when they just woke up.

"Eh, you know. The usual, I'm probably just going to play some games and live stream on Twitch. Nothing much." AJ replied as he sat closer to the three people. With Chunkz and Sharky just conversing in the background.

"Don't forget we're having a meeting in the afternoon tho! Next video planning, the usual stuff."

Chunkz and Sharky replied with yeses and agreements, and continued talking ridiculously close. Whispering to each other.

What's that about? Kenny thought. But again, he just dropped it at that.

Kenny started talking to AJ.

"I'm buyin' blankets with Niko later, wanna come with?" Kenny said to AJ. He didn't want to invite anyone to their blanket shopping, but he said it on instinct. He didn't even realise he said it until he said it. They always ask and invite each other when they're going out with one of the members or just going alone.

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