fifth; courage

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The journey to the store was surprisingly normal. Sure, there were times where they stayed quiet and only their minds were noisy like uncoordinated drums. Which was very unlikely, the two had always been quite chaotic together. But other than the slight quietness, everything was alright.

Kenny did most of the talking, which consists of him talking about his boxing, or just random things that happened to him when he travelled to Milan, or Greece, or anywhere really. And some things Kenny wouldn't share with anyone except for Niko. Ever since they were kids, they never kept anything from each other. Well, except for the one most important thing. Their unwavering, and obvious, feelings towards each other.

And Kenny laughed too, which made Niko laugh because who wouldn't laugh when Kenny did? Kenny's laugh was so wholehearted, his body shakes when he laughs and he did it with all of his power. It's so Kenny. Unbeknownst to people that aren't quite close to him, Niko's actually pretty quiet. Sure, he's quite confident, and he can talk without feeling scared or anxious but he prefers to listen than to talk and that's one of the things only Kenny and George knows.

Which is why Niko would always love to be alone with Kenny, he can truly be himself, just staying quiet and listening to the rambles of his friend. And though Kenny seemed to be the quiet one in their videos. He actually didn't mind talking a lot, most of the times he spent with other people he's usually the reserved and the quiet one and he lets out that reserved energy when he's with Niko.

They are quite the perfect match. They never had to hide anything from each other. They thought


When they arrived at the store to buy the blankets, the weather was quite windy but it didn't seem like it would rain. But then again, London's weather has always been stuck in the mud. It's so unpredictable.

"Alright, let's go in."

Niko wrapped Kenny's shoulders with his arms but he didn't even notice it himself until he actually did it. It was on instinct. He always did this to Kenny. And now his heart is thumping like crazy but he can't just let Kenny go. That'd be weird, because then it seems like Niko's uncomfortable doing it when all this time they'd always been like this. So Niko let it be.

When they went inside, that's when Niko unwrapped his arms from Kenny's shoulder.

Kenny's face was so flushed he thanked the god for letting him be born with a lot of melanin, because he would surely be as red as a shrimp if he wasn't.

When Kenny started to regain himself, Niko was just walking around but never far from Kenny. He realised that there were actually a lot of people.

Why were there a lot of people?

"Niko, why's there so many people?"

Niko looked back to where Kenny was, and it was just a normal gesture but Niko really is undoubtedly handsome.

"I mean, winter's coming soon so they're probably just like us. Buying blankets to warm themselves up."

Kenny hummed in response, and took a shopping basket. Niko already ran off to the Winter section that the store always held every end of the year for the winter. Though this year was quite early due to a very short chilling autumn.

Niko had always been quick on his feet, unlike Kenny who likes to take his sweet time. But in Kenny's defence –when Niko pointed it out and tried to use his slowness against him– it was just Kenny enjoying and savouring the moment and that's exactly what he's doing as he walked slowly.

He could hear his footsteps, and the chatter made by the crowd in the store had gone quiet.

His eyes glued at Niko, who was walking fast with large steps. But Niko's speed never really left Kenny behind, or made Kenny uncomfortable despite their contrast in a lot of things, it was as if Kenny and Niko were a mathematical equation, a calculation, they are completely different in terms of numbers, and signs and symbols but they somehow work. They work perfectly, and they don't need to think hard about ways to adapt to each other's differences because from the start, from the moment they first met, it came naturally to the both of them.

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