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New Story <3

Still Waters || Shunkz(Sharky x Chunkz)

Book 2 of The Solace Series [beta squad fic]

Sequel to the Closing Doors (Kenny x Niko)


Sharky had been dropping hints and tried so hard to win over Chunkz's heart. It had been going on for so long, but Sharky never stopped trying but everyone has a breaking point. Sharky thinks it's better to give up, as doubt started to cloud his mind that maybe, Chunkz will never be able to return that love.

Sharky knows Chunkz is smart, so is he pretending or is he actually that oblivious?

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No specific dates, I'll be uploading this fic sometime next year, that's for sure (if there r changes, i'll mention it)

So this story is part of a series, obviously can read as a stand-alone but preferably read Closing Doors first cause there are some hints of how their relationship are in there.

Because it's a sequel, there will be some parts that shows how Kenny and Niko's relationship had progressed since the last chapter so. yes.

I don't need to explain the concept of fanfiction so don't read this if you'll be complaining on "oh, they're Muslim, they can't do that, can't do this" cause they're my characters when i write them <3

This time I'll try to have a weekly upload schedule cause Closing Doors was a mess💀

That's it. See you guys next year!!! If there are updates or new oneshot fanfics out, be sure to check my messages from time to time. Bye bye <3

Also, yeah, no more chapter for this fic guys! Last one, promise.

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