seventh; confrontation

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"Kenny?" Kenny heard Niko say.

Kenny groaned again. Of course he forgot to lock the door. Typical Kenny and him always fucking up everything when he's at a state of panic. Kenny's only state of being good under pressure is when he's boxing and training, anything other than that he's just a deer in headlights. His brain is blank, his muscles weak, vision blurry, and anxiety just wraps his heart like a newborn baby. He can't do well under pressure. And Niko just gave him the craziest amount of pressure Kenny had ever faced.

Kenny needed some time alone. To think and catch his breath and process what the hell just happened, process the fact that Niko, his best friend, his brother, one of his oldest friends that actually stayed with him. One of his friends that he surely could see in the future when they're older. Niko stayed with him for most of his life, more than half of his life, if Niko leaves him because of this. Kenny would honestly rather be buried alive, with spiders. And Kenny absolutely hates spiders.

He wouldn't dare chase Niko away. Not when they just kissed and Niko basically, in other words, confessed. Imagine if Kenny just chased Niko away after all of that? Friendship broken, and awkwardness will never leave them. Kenny wouldn't want that. Niko wouldn't want that. They'd rather die than be apart from each other, just imagining them not being around each other gave Kenny the most aching stomach pains he had ever felt in his life.

Kenny groaned on the pillow.

Niko just leaned on the door frame with his arms crossed. A faulty smirk on his face, it was shaky but a smirk is still a smirk and Kenny stole a glance as he covered his face with the pillow once again.

"Is it possible for you to get out and lock the door for me?" Kenny said through the pillow. Niko just laughed a little, and Kenny hated that that laugh made Kenny smile.

"I would, but Chunkz would kill me. And we need to talk about it, the more it's delayed..the more awkward it will be. " Fear was obvious in Niko's voice. Awkwardness between him and Kenny was the one thing Niko never wanted to experience even for just a second. Even when they first met, they already clicked and Niko had never felt any awkwardness with Kenny. Kenny was the only person he always felt like he belonged to since the start.

"What is there to talk about, anyways?"

Niko chuckled, and Kenny's face was still hidden on the pillow. Niko walked to the bed and Kenny could feel part of the bed sinking. Kenny blushed. Just by the thought of having Niko so close, it already got his face flushed up.

"Look, I'm not sorry I kissed you."

Kenny groaned at the pillow. God, Niko always knew how to make him act like a stupid teenager stupidly in love.

"Cause if I could turn back time, I'd kiss you again. Even right now, if you asked me to, I would."

"Nikooo, shut up." Kenny groaned loudly. Any more words that came out of Niko's mouth would surely make Kenny combust.

Niko laughed at the man, whatever Kenny's doing wasn't doing anything to help Niko's adrenaline calm down.

"But I am sorry that I kissed you without your consent- I don't know what came to my head, it just happened. And though I'm glad it did, cause Ken-" Niko slapped Kenny's thigh. They always did it, slapping each other (not violently, of course) on the arm, on the chest, on the thigh, anywhere. It was a form of playfulness and their usual banter, even the other three always did so. All of them were very close and they would always do everything together, all five of them, because they were all so close like family it really didn't feel like they had anything special.

Which might be the reason why they thought it wouldn't be possible for the other to like them back despite their lingering gazes when the other wasn't looking, their unnoticed protectiveness, and their silent jealousy.

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