sixth; bravery

491 21 56

It was like a dream.

The moment probably lasted just a few seconds but Kenny and Niko both felt like it went on for hours. No one can really tell what's going through Niko's head. But Niko was just furious at the tall lanky guy with his Italian fiance. Niko didn't like how they looked at him, and Niko did not like how naive and kind Kenny is towards them. How can Kenny not realise? Kenny, with his eyes full of life, and his perfectly cut body and that smile that could blind the eyes. How can Kenny not realise that possibly everyone who walked past him was just blinded by his beauty, and his kindness and softness just made him more attractive.

Kenny is a perfect man. But he's just too humble sometimes, that he just treats everyone nicely and equally, and Niko's not a bad man but when it comes to Kenny. Niko would give the world just for him. Call it obsession, call it whatever you want, but Kenny has Niko wrapped around his finger and Niko's heart belongs entirely to Kenny and the man didn't seem to realise it.

And to be very honest, that morning, Niko was a tiny bit sensitive. All of a sudden everything came flooding in, Niko suddenly realised his feelings for Kenny and the night before that Kenny was all wrapped under his arms and the string to his heart was plucked, and broken, one by one by every single one.

The talk with AJ really opened Niko's eyes. It really blew the haze and the fog covering Niko's heart and it made everything clear. So yes. Seeing Kenny smiling and laughing at another man that day, it really ticked something off. And to see Kenny stumbling between words, an action that Niko will always find adorable, his sanity just went through the window.

And when Kenny said the words that are still constantly repeating and echoing in Niko's head, "Why do you care anyways?". Something. Something happened. Niko doesn't know what it is, but he couldn't seem to control it.

Niko wanted to say something, but the words won't come out and like a man that had nothing to lose (he had so many things to lose) he kissed him. Niko just wanted it to be a small peck, but he didn't know it could be so addictive. Kenny's eyes were wide, but he didn't fight it, and the sounds that came out of that mouth and those lips Niko was kissing. Oh, only the heavens would know what it did to Niko. The effect Kenny had towards the man.

Niko would be ready to sacrifice everything for him if Kenny asked him to. Anything.

Niko didn't intend the kiss to last long, but as time went on, Niko acted like an addict, he wanted more, he wanted to hear more, taste more and feel more of Kenny. Niko's hands made their way to Kenny's clothed back, and Kenny had both his hands on Niko's chest, as if to push him away but the thought of pushing Niko away had been long gone.

The only thought in his mind was how wonderful it was to kiss Niko. How perfect their lips intertwined. Kenny had kissed and touched a lot of people, men and women, but to actually do it with Niko. The man –Kenny had just realised he actually loved when the man kissed him– was something else. It was as if Kenny had just been reborn, all of his past lovers disappeared from his mind, and his mind and his soul had just realised that after all this time, he only had Niko in his heart.

Maybe it happened when they first met, and how Kenny found Niko very intriguing by the way he was so camera shy yet so confident. The way Niko could show hatred and be kind at the same time, his complicated demeanour yet so simple to read. All of his contradictions.

Maybe it was when Niko introduced Kenny to the Beta Squad when Niko didn't have to. Niko could've just been friends with the three men, made the Beta Squad just four members and he didn't have to include and told them about Kenny, but he did. Because of Niko, Kenny's life had changed entirely. And when Niko introduced Kenny to them, maybe it was just a slip of a tongue, maybe he said it wrong but Kenny can hear it clearly in his head. After years of being friends, Kenny could still hear those words loud and clear.

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