2nd Part ~

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After a couple of hours, I woke up. It was hitting like I slept for a millennium years. I opened my eyes while dizziness overcame my all senses. I again started hitting by those freaking flashbacks. Damn! That Serious headache was killing me. I felt like I'd never be happy again. That Atmosphere was ominously prophetic. I was filled with a sense of foreboding.

I opened my eyes and I was in an underground hole more like a prison. I thought that I was caught by the monarch. But I was so wrong because it looked like the dungeon of 1000-1200 BC. It was not a common dungeon but a deadly place.

I remained vigilant all the time. I saw some skeletons lying all over in the dungeon. I was shocked nothing else. Okay okay, I was freaked from inside. My legs were trembling and I was trying to gather up the courage. When I tried to take a step forward I collapsed. I was mourning by pain and unexpectedly I found a switch.

I crawled the way towards the switch And I was going to touch the switch but my spider instinct didn't allow me to do it. There was a skeleton near the switch and it seemed like it was dead by touching it. Some wooden sticks were lying near it as if it were indicating something. So I took one of them and pressed the switch. As an outcome, a narrow tunnel appeared there. I jumped into it and started crawling. Eventually, I saw a little ray coming towards me and I quickly started following it. It was not just a ray in darkness but a hope in my heart.

Finally, I was at the end of the tunnel. That was exhausting for me. I was trying my best not to give up.

Rays were coming out from a small space left out of covering. A big thing had covered this tunnel. I knew that there was something to open it like a handle or switch maybe. So I tried my best to find out something to open it. That was a narrow path made with very old bricks almost covered with moss.

I noticed that all the shapes of the bricks were alike but there was one cuboidal shape that seemed like plotted there. I pulled it out and a brick came out of the structure and an open space with a handle was presented. I lowered the handle and that large object slowly moved away.

I got out of it and my dress got wet. This was something more than I can imagine. I was in a fountain and my clothes were soaked. All the crowd gathered there was staring at me. It was an Event organised there. I was startled by seeing advanced cameras and the clothing style of people. Gosh! That was so embarrassing for me. I got out of the fountain and went out of the park.

Those high buildings and advanced facilities, Modern houses, Different clothes and Accessories, all the Atmosphere was giving me vibes of the future. But the most disappointing thing about the future was The number of trees had declined causing Deforestation, The Air was so polluted that I was suffocated a little. But I was trying to get used to it.

I was getting stared at by every person passing through me. I didn't have any idea about that. I ignored that but I was flabbergasted by seeing white patches on the road. After asking a person I got to know that it is a zebra crossing which allows people on foot to cross the road.

I saw many variety of Automobiles which I had never seen before. But every passing vehicle made me trouble breathing. I was starving for 2 days & I needed something to eat for some energy. I found a shop but for that, I had to cross the road. I went straight to cross the road. But when I was in the middle, A Car hit me. I was already frail & In Addition, The car hit me so I fell unconscious.


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