Chapter 11: My Hidden Desires POV: Lucas

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"Yes, I am a man, and yes I do have desires. But I can keep them in check." - Lucas Anderson

Finally, when we made it outside I picked Dela up bridal way as I walked to my car. "Lucas?" She mumbled as she felt her body being picked up, and then I felt her allowing herself to relax in my arms. I felt special in that part, I felt as if she only felt comfortable with me instead of that dickwad Devin. With her eyes half closed from the drinks I looked down at her smiling, my worries all hidden just for her sake, but yet still I was scared if she had been touched in a way she didn't want from her boyfriend. "Yes, Delanore? What's wrong?" I asked making sure my voice was smooth and calming making her fall deeper into a feeling of calmness. "Nothing~" she responded quietly as I brushed my thumb on her left side as I kept walking to my car across the house. Finally when we made it to the car I opened the door and he swiftly and smoothly placed her on the seat and buckled her up. I kept finding my eyes on her thighs. Oh God, I have to keep calm. My eyes then tailed her body in that dress. 'She looks beautiful.' I thought, and she does. Then I closed the door and went to the driver's side sighing. 'Keep it under control, Lucas. You got this. She's just a friend.' I had to say to myself. I can't let her know my thoughts. I don't want her to know. "Lucas, what about my car?~" she asked my words coming out slow and slurred. I saw her flinched a bit as I raised my hand to caress her forehead then I made my hand go behind her head massaging it a bit. I didn't know why she flinched, maybe she was still thinking about Devin's touches. I can't make my touches like that. No, I will prove to her that I am better and I can love her just for her than her body. "I will get your car later Dela, right now I need to get you back home and safe. How many drinks have you had?" My tone again was smooth and comforting, my hands massaging her head I wanted to make her feel safe and secure. And I was going to do that. "I don't know... I'm sorry, I should not ever let go of your hand, Lucas." She said her eyes now slowly closing. "No, I'm sorry Dela, I should not have left you alone." I then paused as I examined my face. 'She is truly beautiful, and even with this drunken look. She still has this glow.' I then spoke again. "Hey, hey. I need you to stay awake for me, don't close your eyes, please. Do it for me. Please I need you awake right now. I need to make sure you're alright."

My tone was still soft but a bit worried and demanding, as soon as I saw that she heard me say 'Do it for me' she now looked like she felt as if she must stay awake. "Mmm~ ok. I'll stay awake." She said my words now trailing off as again her eyes were closing. "No, no, no, Dela look at me. Please look at me," I said my hands cupping her face and making her look at me, I blew some air on me making her eyes flutter awake. Her eyes now looking at me. 'Oh God, that look... those eyes. Fuck, look at me like that all the time and I'll be your slave, worshiping the ground you stand on, I'll let you walk all over me.' "You are kinda blurry~," she said giggling drunkenly, she might have seen my smile a bit as my thumbs caressed her face. But let me be honest that smile was because of my thoughts... "I'm going to drive you home, okay? I want you to stay awake. I'll give you my phone so you can watch something. Just try to keep awake." I spoke as one of my hands went in my pockets to pull out my phone, the other hand holding her head. But oh how I wanted to hold her neck! "Here," I said giving her my phone with videos of cats. Since she was a little kid she always had an obsession with cats but she could never have one for she was deathly allergic. So I knew what she would enjoy to see. My eyes went back to her as she happily took the phone. I wanted to give her a sweet kiss, to let her know to let go of her worries and hand them to me. I just want her to be happy.

After a while, she turned off my phone and looked out the window, we were in South Street. 'What if I just gently place my hand on her thigh... just like in a loving way, a caring way. Nothing more...' Then my thoughts became my actions as I placed a warm hand on her thigh. Her eyes looked down at my hand, my veins, and my rings. At that moment I could see a slight blush rushing to her face and she quickly turned her head to look back outside. Now, I was still looking at the road, but I could see everything from the corner of my eye, my thumb now gently started to caress her thigh. 'Am I going too far? Does she like it? If she doesn't like it I should remove my hand right?' But to my surprise, she seemed as if she didn't feel uncomfortable and that she felt safe, I felt like she knew I respected her body. "How are you doing Dela?" I finally asked breaking the silence. I could see her turning her head gently her eyes filled with a drunken look, her eyes half closed again like siren eyes. "Mm? Oh, good." She tried to make my voice not sound slurred anymore but that was impossible. My eyes widened a bit when I saw her eyes and I had to swallow the lump forming in my throat, then I looked back to the road as I took my hands off her thighs. 'God, Dela. Baby. You don't know what you are doing to me. How are you doing this to me? How do you look so gorgeous like that!?'

Finally, after a while, we made it to her house and I got out of the driver's side and made my way to her. She handed me my phone back as I unbuckled her and picked her up bridal way again."Lucas, my door is over there," she said as she buried her face in my chest taking the sent of my cologne, When I picked Dela up bridal style I thought nothing at first, I just acted on command but I was brought back to reality as I felt her face nuzzling into my chest. I could feel her breath, and God how that was driving me crazy. How she is in this vulnerable position that I can just throw her in the bed when we get there and take her, I want to hear her breath quicken just like I can hear her calm breath. I want her to scream my name with pleasure as I show her how much I love her. God if Dela keeps being this innocent and vulnerable while being drunk I don't know how I could keep it in my pants anytime soon.

"That's good you know where your front door is, but I can't bring you there, your parents are going to know you were drinking, and how late we are to your home, you don't want that, do you?" I asked with a hint of playfulness in my voice laced with desire. As I looked down at her smiling, and to my surprise she looked back up smiling as well. "That's right no you don't. So I am going to climb the tree house you have near your room and open your window and place you in bed. Like how I used to do many times when we were younger." I said in a higher-pitched tone almost as if I was talking to a baby, but that made me keep my desires hidden while I talked.

I then continued walking to her backyard opening the wooden gate. Then I gripped her tighter on her side as I climbed the wooden stairs of her treehouse and opened the window. I didn't want to drop her, I wanted her to be safe. Now placing her on her bed gently her head meeting the pillow her eyes closing as I then fully came inside. She rolled on her bed to face her stomach but then I quickly placed my hands under her turning her around as I again made a grunt, but now it wasn't a struggling grunt more like... again fighting desires. I turned her on her side as I placed two pillows under her head. I also lowered her dress which was rising a bit from her legs. Now as I did that I swear I thought I was going to lose it! But I kept it under control. "Why can't I sleep on my stomach?"

She groaned throwing a slight fit. "Dela, I can't let you sleep it off. It's dangerous. And sleeping on your side helps prevent you from choking." I said my words kind and sweet. My hands slid down her legs my eyes filled with lust. But then I came back to the present instead of my thoughts my fingers moved gracefully as I took off her laced heels leaving her feet to be free. She slowly sat up but I gently placed her down again placing a hand on her shoulders. "Lucas I need to shower off the smell of the drinks. My parents would know."

She said my voice still slurring. "I know you want to shower Dela, but you might fall or faint and I can't let you do that. I'm sorry I hope you understand." I said as he took the silver choker off her neck letting her breath now a bit freely and tied her hair into a messy bun, well the best I could. I loved how comfortable she looked now, more at ease. And the way she wants to take a shower how cute.

"No, I won't do that, you'll be there. You can catch me and hold me. You can come with me." I then let out a slight chuckle. "Dela, baby, my dear, I'm not Devin I can't shower with you." I said as I leaned back a bit examining her, 'God Dela, I want to shower with you, but I'm afraid I'll do something to you that you won't like. I can't do this to you. I don't want to hurt you.' My eyes roamed her body but then I brought them to meet hers again. "No, I know that you're Lucas, my friend, now help me shower!" She groaned as she sat back up. "Dela, my princess. I can't shower with you or help you with that. Please just lay a bit." I said as I sat down on the edge of the bed and put my hand on her knee. I had to sit down, I just can't anymore! I need her. But I can't have her. I need to stay strong I need to support her. "Lucas... this is boring, me doing nothing and just laying on the bed. And I can't even sleep." She said her words still sounding slurred.

I then let out a slight chuckle as I got off the bed. And she moved her body a bit to see what I was doing. Her eyes followed my movements as I rolled up my sleeves and adjusted my rings. "I'll be back, Dela. I'm going to get your car back," I spoke as I placed a hand on her leg in a reassuring way. I had to leave, any more time I spend with her the more I am risking it all.c"Ok, don't take too long, please," she asked not wanting me to be gone for too much, the memories of this night started to return and to attack her about the words that Devin spoke, I guessed. "Ok, I won't be long." And with that, I left through the window.

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