Chapter 27: Awkward Class POV: Delanore

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"He cares, he really does care!..."

The students mumbled as we walked in, my eyes looking at the floor as my hand were in my pockets. Lucas right behind me, staying close.

"Ahh, yeah. Sex class. I wonder if we are going to learn how to pull out in time."
"I heard the girls tend to scream when they are in their brink, and squirm a lot, sounds hot."
"I fucked my girl last night, she was gasping a lot. I came first tho and stopped. I didn't care for her pleasure."

"Ignore them Dela..."
He whispered as he gently led me to our table.

Condoms where being passed out, and I can hear people giggling. The teacher was passing then row by row, and then...came my row. He passed one down and we passed it to Bella, she stared at it, as it was in front of her. "Why must I need this. It's not like I'm going to use it." She mumbled as she shoved in in her pants. Then another was passed down, and I passed it to Lucas, it felt weird having to give him this. He gently took it from my hands, his shaking slightly. "Yeah, I don't get why we need this. We are only in High School." He said as he looked at me seeing the uneasy look I had on my face and that's when he put the condom in his pocket. His hand reached for mine as I was grabbing my sweats as Devin placed the condom in front of me.

I was not ready for this. He was giving this to us because he know we are teenagers and we want to experience but when the option is in front of us we panic. I don't know why I was acting like this all of the sudden, I wanted this...but I also hated the thought of intimacy with him... but not with...him. My eyes darted back to the teacher as he cleared his throat and stood in front of the white board. "It's the class that most of you dreaded, Sex Education. But as an adult I have to speak with you, to help you and to give you advice and to teach you. Now, we all know what sex is. Right." Everyone nodded, I even did as my eyes went back to the condom in front of me. Lucas hands started to work on me trying to release the grasp I had on my pants.

His hands where trying to relax my fingers, his hands massaging mine trying to make my muscles relax. I rose my head back up swallowing a lump in my throat as my hands began to relax and that's when Lucas could quickly hold my hand before I grab onto my pants again, this time. When I felt his hand, mine closed, it grabbed on to his. Not daring to let go. Devin did not notice, he was playing around with the packet looking at it with a smirk. "Sex, is very intimate and its used to reproduce, but you learn that in biology. What I will be teaching about you in this class is, human development, including puberty, anatomy, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Relationships, including self, family, friendships, romantic relationships, and health care providers. Personal skills, including communication, boundary setting, negotiation, and decision-making. You will be having this topic multiple days as for I cannot skip over anything and since you guys are all seniors I have to go to deeper topics."

"L-ucas." I whispered as I quickly handed him my condom and he as well placed it in his pocket. "I don't want to be in this class..." I could feel his thumb caressing my hand as he took a heavy inhale as moved his hips forward to adjust his sitting position as he kept looking at the teacher. 'Why won't you look at me, I want your attention... please I don't like this...' "I know, Dela. But you got this." That's all he said...he didn't say 'Okay, lets leave. Let's skip this class.' No, he was making me stay. So I yanked my hand away from him, but he didn't react. I turned back to Devin, but he wasn't going to help. "Today I will be going over the Human Development, talking about our hormones and anatomy. I'm going to do this all together, I will not be dividing the class. You all must be mature for this." That was a lie. No we are not, we really are not. My hand grabbed back to Lucas, and his hand gently closed his thumb again giving me comfort.

I remember zoning out for most of the class, everyone else was giggling and joking about it. But I just stared down. Down to Lucas's hand. He was always holding mine. Sometimes I tried to pull back, yet he kept holding on. I lifted my head to him with uncertainty. He turned his head as he gave a small smile as he whispered, "I know, Dela...I know. But you got this. Just a bit more..." With that, this time he brought my hands to his lips, I could feel his lips brushing against mine as I felt his unstable breathing. Until, finally he gave it a soft kiss and place it down. "You got this." I nodded as I quickly turned my head back to the teacher. His kiss felt normal I didn't think anything about it...but then why did I feel heat rising to my face? Ahh it's probably cuz what the teacher is saying.

I still zoned out obviously, but if it something really important that I need to know. I'll ask Lucas, he will tell me. Through out the rest of the class period I was in my mind, not about the topic but about Lucas, and about the sensation I felt when he kissed my hand. What was this feeling? Ahh, whatever. He's just a friend.

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