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Annoying Girl In Next Door - 01


Third Person POV

"You know, she knows, and the whole world knows that you hate Kang Haerin-KANG HAERIN! Her constant pestering drives you nuts. Doesn't she have anything better to do with her time? Kang Haerin, the girl next door-or rather, the annoying girl in next door. You've been rivals since you were little kids and you both hold on to the same grudge. Am I right?"


As she strode into class, Haerin gave you a dismissive glance.

"Why are you staring at me?" you asked, irritated.

"Just admiring the view of the world's least stylish person," she quipped as she settled into her seat.

"Y/n, those glasses don't suit you at all. Get rid of them," she commented.

You glared back. "Like I care! I'll wear them more often now, just to bother you!"

"Have fun looking ridiculous!" she retorted with a sneer.

Her amusement was evident as she dismissed you with a wave.


[Time Skipped]

You walked home with Hanni, chatting about your day, until she turned toward her house, leaving you to walk the rest of the way alone.

As you approached your own home, you noticed your least favorite neighbor, Kang Haerin, waiting by her front door.

"Not again," you thought.

She noticed you approaching and gave you a playful grin. "Oh look, my favorite eyesore!" she exclaimed.

"Thanks for the kind words. You're not too hard on the eyes yourself," you responded with a smirk.

"Why do you insist on looking like that?" she shot back.

"Don't ask me; you should question yourself. Now, move along before I decide to teach you a lesson!" you said, narrowing your eyes.

"Alright, alright. Enjoy your awful day, neighbor!" she teased as she disappeared into her house.

When you entered your home, you saw your sister, Kim Minji, lounging in front of the TV. She perked up at your entrance.

"Welcome home, bro!" she called out.

"I walked Hanni home. Your girlfriend made it back safe and sound."

"Thanks! I owe you an ice cream!" Minji shouted from the couch.

You joined her in the living room and asked, "By the way, where's Mom?"

"She's out shopping with Mrs. Kang," Minji replied.

You nodded, humming a tune as you processed the information. As it turns out, your mother and Haerin's mother are best friends-what a strange twist of fate!

( To be continued... )

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