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Annoying Girl In Next Door-07

- Third Person Pov -






Woonhak's unexpected return injected an air of awkwardness into your daily routine.

As you walked through the hallway, attempting to navigate the renewed discomfort, Woonhak approached with an unsettling cheerfulness.

"Hey Y/n! Good morning to you!" he greeted, a smile playing on his lips.

"Morning..." you replied, your tone carrying a hint of reservation as you continued your path.

"Mind if I sit beside you in class?" he inquired, his gaze fixed on you.

"Ehm, sorry, I already have someone to sit beside me, so..." you responded, offering a fake smile to conceal your true feelings.

"It's okay, don't worry," Woonhak reassured with a genuine smile, seemingly unfazed by the rejection.

On the other hand, Haerin observed the interaction from a distance, engaged in a conversation with Hyein and Danielle.

"Oh, isn't that both Y/n and your old friend?" Hyein questioned, glancing between Haerin and Woonhak.

"Yeah," Haerin replied, avoiding direct eye contact.

"Y/n and this boy look good together, by the way," Danielle remarked with a smile, glancing at Haerin, whose expression shifted.

Haerin shot Danielle a deadpan look, her irritation palpable.

"Who even likes Kim Y/n?" Haerin scoffed, crossing her arms defensively.

"Many do. It's just you who hates Y/n," Hyein pointed out, giving Haerin a side-eye.

"Let's drop the Kim Y/n topic!" Haerin declared, and the others agreed, attempting to steer the conversation in a different direction.

"This Kim Y/n, ugh!" Haerin thought, her frustration evident as she grappled with the ongoing presence of the person she seemingly couldn't escape.

As Haerin entered the classroom, she observed everyone engrossed in conversation, seemingly oblivious to the internal turmoil that echoed within her.

She approached her desk with a nonchalant demeanor, intending to retreat into the solace of sleep.

"Hey, Kang..." A voice interrupted her solitude, and she instinctively tensed, recognizing the voice she wished to avoid-Woonhak.

"Mind if we sit beside each other?" he asked, wearing a friendly smile.

"Oh... What?" Haerin mumbled, caught off guard by the unexpected request.

Before Woonhak could complete his sentence, you intervened, appearing by Haerin's side and taking charge.

"Ehm, Haerin is my seatmate, haha.... Let's go!" you announced, grabbing Haerin's hand and leading her to your desk, leaving Woonhak bewildered.

"Why did you drag me?!" Haerin whispered-yelled as you settled her beside you.

"I knew you would sit here, so I got you here," you explained, taking your seat.

"But you're never happy about me sitting beside you," Haerin remarked, a sly smirk playing on her lips.

"Ugh, shut up, Kang!" you groaned in response.

"Hmhm, whatever, Kim Y/n. It seems like you're jealous of Woonhak sitting beside me," Haerin teased, enjoying your exasperated sigh.

"I'm not jealous. I just saved you from him," you insisted, laying your head on the table.

"Oh really? It doesn't seem like it!" Haerin retorted.

"Oh shit I forget that he was your childhood crush. I'm sorry; go share a seat with him!" you playfully suggested, earning an eye roll from Haerin.

"Stop talking about the past, ugly," she groaned, choosing to rest her head on the desk.

"Okay, whatever you say, Kang. But I know you very well," you mumbled with a smirk.

"You never did," Haerin thought, her eyes closed as she drifted into a state of temporary reprieve, the echoes of the past momentarily silenced in the present.

"Okay, students, there will be a group project. So pick your partner for the project and sign up from here after that," Mr. Jung announced, setting the stage for the inevitable partner selection.

As you scanned the classroom, you noticed Eunchae and Kyujin were already partnered, and to your surprise, Ni-Ki had claimed Woonhak.

Your hopes of avoiding Kang Haerin as a partner seemed dashed.

"Is she here to sleep or attend class?" you wondered, observing Haerin, who was in the midst of a nap.

"Aghh, this fat cat always lazy. I would never choose her as my partner... Let's see if I can find someone else," you contemplated, ready to make your escape.

But just as you were about to walk away, someone grabbed your hand, halting your departure.

It was Haerin.

"You're not going anywhere. You're mine," Haerin declared, guiding you back to your seat.

"What the...?" you thought, feeling the unexpected tug on your tie.

"Look, Kang, find your own partner. I'm not going to work with you. You just sleep there, leaving me to do all the work. I can't do that alone, and I've had the unfortunate experience of having you as my partner before. It was awful," you explained, attempting to get up.

However, Haerin had other plans. She grabbed your tie, forcing you back into your seat while she kept her head on the desk.

"Nuh huh, I booked you. And by the way, thanks for the compliment!" Haerin mumbled from her makeshift pillow, still holding onto your tie.

"Aghhh, this cat. Aghh," you thought, resigned to your fate.

"Oh, Y/n?" Woonhak called out, and you turned to face him, feeling Haerin tighten her grip on your tie.

"So, you two partnered?" he asked, to which you nodded with the most forced smile.

"Yeah, me and Kang Haerin partnered," you replied, Haerin pulling your tie to emphasize the point.

"If you need any help, just tell me, okay?" Woonhak offered, extending his assistance.

"If you need any help, don't. I'm here. No help from him or anyone. It's cheating!" Haerin asserted, her head still resting on the desk, holding onto your tie as if it were her lifeline.

"Kang, you're just jealous, and I know 'cheating' is your favorite word," you quipped, earning a scoff from Haerin.

"Jealous? My ass!" Haerin mumbled, leaving the trio entangled in the complexities of a group project.

( To be continued )

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