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Annoying Girl in Next Door - 13

- Your Pov -




As I found solace in scrolling through my phone in the comfort of my room, a sudden knock on the door disrupted the tranquility. "Coming!" I called out, maintaining my focus on the phone. The door slowly opened, and there she was...

This cheeky pussy cat.

"What are you doing here!?" I exclaimed, setting aside my phone and walking toward Haerin, who sported a mischievous smirk.

"Oh, I was here for a romantic—oops, I meant something important," she replied, prompting a sigh from me. "What is it?" I inquired, eyeing her with suspicion. Instead of giving a straightforward answer, she casually claimed a seat in my chair.

"Your mom and mine are out shopping," she disclosed, raising my eyebrows in response. "So?" I questioned. Haerin gazed at me intently.

"Your mom suggested that you take care of me since I'll be all alone at home. She even recommended that you hang out with me," she explained.

I couldn't help but scoff at the idea. "This old woman..." I mumbled, feeling a twinge of annoyance. "No, I reject it! You have other friends to hang out with in the neighborhood, so get out of my room before I decide to kick you out!" I declared.

"I'd love to spend time with my friends, but I can't say no to aunty Kim. So, hang out with me!" Haerin insisted as I rolled my eyes.

"No, I don't want to hang out with you! I don't even want to be in your presence!" I retorted, making my way out of the room.

Heading to the living room, I casually sprawled onto the couch and switched on the TV.  Haerin commented as she strolled in and took a seat beside me.

"Can you just please be quiet?" I grumbled. "You should try learning that first," she replied with a chuckle.

"Look, just shut up!" I snapped, to which she chuckled again, saying, "I can't help it. I love getting on your nerves."

"This bothersome cat... I might just kick you out of the house!" I threatened, shaking my head at her persistent antics.

- Kang Haerin Pov -




"Kang Haerin, spill the tea! Are those rumors about you and Y/n true?" Hyein questioned, eyeing me curiously.

I rolled my eyes in response. "Ask Y/n; I'm just savoring my ice cream here."

"But seriously, Hae, are you really dating Y/n? I thought you couldn't stand them," Dani unnie chimed in, a puzzled expression on her face. I looked at her, taking another indulgent bite of my ice cream.

"Yeah, I can't stand them. Nothing's changed on that front," I stated nonchalantly.

"And now you're an item?" Hyein probed further, raising an eyebrow.

"Did I miss a memo or something? When did I say that!?" I shot back, casting a glance at her.

"So, are the rumors just gossip, or is there some truth to them?" Dani unnie sought clarification.

I maintained my laid-back demeanor.

"No clue. Ask Y/n. I'm not the keeper of their relationship status," I responded, eliciting sighs from both Dani and Hyein.

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