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Annoying Girl Next Door - 02


Third Person POV

The classroom hummed with activity, but you were lost in your own world, thoughts swirling like autumn leaves in a gentle breeze.

Then, like a burst of sunlight, Eunchae, the effervescent girl from your class and a dear friend, approached.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked, her voice carrying the promise of shared secrets and laughter.

"Of course, Eunchae. What's on your mind?" you replied, curiosity dancing in your eyes.

"Is it about Mr. Park's upcoming test?"

Before Eunchae could respond, a voice, both unwelcome and irritatingly familiar, cut through the air. Haerin, the self-proclaimed queen of snark, swooped in, declaring,

"This seat's taken. Go find another nerdy companion."

With an air of nonchalance, she settled beside you, a picture of studied indifference, and promptly drifted into a feigned slumber.

Eunchae's eyes widened in surprise, her good-natured smile faltering.

"Oh, never mind then. Sorry to bother you, Y/n," she offered before retreating, leaving you to grapple with a mixture of annoyance and resignation.

You turned to Haerin, her facade of slumber not fooling anyone. "Why this seat?" you inquired, a note of exasperation seeping into your voice.

"Is this some calculated attempt to test my patience?"

"Simply felt like it," Haerin mumbled, her response as enigmatic as ever. Before you could press further, she shot back with,

"My head's pounding. Kindly refrain from grating on my ears with your less-than-melodious voice."

An exasperated sigh escaped you, eyes rolling skyward in a silent plea for strength as you settled into a contemplative silence, awaiting the arrival of the teacher.


[Time Skipped]

The cafeteria buzzed with the familiar hum of students, each table a miniature world of its own.

"So, how's Minji holding up?" Hanni's voice, warm and filled with genuine concern, cut through the ambient chatter.

"Why don't you ask her directly? You two were deep in conversation last night," you suggested, a playful grin tugging at the corners of your lips.

"It was a virtual chat, Y/n. I want to ensure my babe's doing well face-to-face," Hanni admitted, her eyes sparkling with affection.

"Ew, you're laying it on pretty thick with the romance," you teased, a fond smile softening your features.

Hanni's laughter, a melody that warmed your heart, filled the air.

Across the room, Hyein observed you and Hanni with a curious glint in her eye.

"Do you think they're an item?" she asked, directing her question to Danielle, who sat beside her.

Danielle considered for a moment before sharing her thoughts. "Maybe, maybe not. Hanni's the senior here, two years older than Y/n. Doubt there's anything romantic."

Haerin, seated nearby, overheard and couldn't resist offering her own acerbic perspective. "Highly unlikely. Y/n's as plain as they come, and Hanni... well, Hanni's in a league of her own. They're more likely siblings than anything else."

Hyein's brow furrowed in thought, her gaze fixed on the pair. "Unnie, don't forget, Hanni's a Pham, and Y/n's a Kim. Plus, You and Y/n are neighbors. You should know better!" she chided playfully.

Haerin sighed, momentarily silenced, her mind working through the puzzle.

"I'm still not entirely convinced. Are they or aren't they?" she pondered aloud, a hint of intrigue coloring her words.






( to be continued )

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