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Annoying Girl in Next Door - 16

- Kang Haerin's Pov -




"Do you actually have feelings for me?"

Y/n's words hung in the air, catching me off guard. I blinked, momentarily stunned, as my mind scrambled to process their unexpected question. Did they seriously just ask me that? The nerve!

"What the fricky frack, ticky tic tac, snicky snack do you mean!?" I blurted out, trying to mask my confusion with a hint of irritation. Inside, though, my thoughts were a whirlwind of chaos. Why would Y/n even entertain the idea that I could have feelings for them? It's absurd!

Y/n's expression softened, their gaze shifting from probing to almost... concerned? "Uh... You forgot..." they trailed off, their voice barely audible. I strained to catch their words, but the heat creeping up my neck distracted me. Why was I feeling flustered all of a sudden? It's not like I have any reason to be flustered around Kim Y/n, the annoying neighbor who's been a thorn in my side for years.

"What did you say?" I tilted my head, attempting to maintain a facade of nonchalance while inwardly battling a surge of conflicting emotions. Could it be possible that I... No, no way. I shook my head, dismissing the absurd notion as quickly as it had crossed my mind. I'd sooner become a nun than entertain the thought of dating Kim Y/n. That much was certain.

Y/n cleared their throat, their gaze darting around the room before reluctantly meeting mine. "Never mind," they said softly, their voice betraying a hint of uncertainty. "You can leave now. I have to stay a bit for some stuff."

I furrowed my brow and shook my head, determination setting in. "No, I won't," I asserted firmly. "We'll go home together."

Y/n blinked in surprise, taken aback by my refusal to leave. "But it's really important," they insisted, their tone tinged with urgency.

"I can wait for you," I murmured, the words slipping out before I could fully process them. Yet, deep down, I knew I meant them. My heart yearned to stay by Y/n's side, despite the looming sense of uncertainty.

As I contemplated my decision, thoughts of home and rest after a grueling basketball practice flooded my mind. I could practically feel the fatigue weighing down my limbs, the craving for a hot shower and a hearty meal growing stronger by the second.

But even as my body longed for comfort, my heart urged me to stay. It was a perplexing tug-of-war between duty and desire, obligation and affection.

"But your ass can't wait for two hours," Y/n chuckled softly, their attempt at levity falling somewhat flat. I blinked in surprise at their unexpected remark, caught off guard by their sudden change in demeanor.

"Two freaking hours!?" I exclaimed, my voice inadvertently rising in volume as I realized the implications of Y/n's request. Quickly, I covered my mouth, casting a wary glance around the library. The librarian shot me a stern look, a silent reminder of my penchant for getting kicked out—a habit I had yet to shake.

Y/n nodded. I heaved a weary sigh, the weight of exhaustion pressing down on my shoulders like a lead blanket. "Like I said, you can leav—"

Before Y/n could finish their sentence, I interjected by swiftly occupying the seat next to them. Y/n's eyebrows shot up in surprise, their arms crossing defensively as if bracing for an impending argument. "Kang, I said—"

"Do whatever the hell you want while I catch some shut-eye. Just keep it down, alright? Wake me up when you're finished. G'night for now..." My words came out in a tired mumble as I reached out to rest my hand on the desk, letting the weariness of the day wash over me as I dropped my head onto it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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