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Annoying Girl in Next Door - 12

- Your Pov -





I let out a frustrated sigh, setting my pen down as I glanced over at Haerin, who was completely absorbed in reading a storybook. "This pussy cat..." I muttered under my breath, my annoyance evident.

When I turned to look, our mothers were watching us with keen interest. We were currently supposed to be working on our project - well, at least I was trying. Haerin, on the other hand, seemed more interested in her fictional world.

"How in the world do they believe we're dating? And dating Kang Haerin, of all people! I'd rather face my worst fears," I thought, rubbing my forehead in exasperation.

"Can't you help me a bit?" I asked Haerin, the irritation in my voice was clear. She looked up, raising an eyebrow in response.

"You said just five minutes ago that you didn't need my help, babe. Besides, shouldn't you be taking care of me by handling this all yourself?" she replied, her eyes fixed on me, seizing the opportunity to take advantage of our mothers' belief that we were a couple.

"Such a pussy cat!" I scoffed, rolling my eyes at her antics. "What the hell did you just say, you ugly?" Haerin looked up from her book, her expression a mix of indignation and surprise. In mock defiance, I raised my hand.

"I was just calling you...pussy cat!" I retorted, and she sighed, shooting a glance at our mother, who observed us from the couch.

"Aunty Kim, Y/n just called me pussy cat instead of babe!" Haerin exclaimed, revealing her plan to curtail my use of that nickname.

"Y/n, why did you call her that?! And Haerin, just call me mother-in-law, not Aunty Kim, okay?" Mom interjected.

I rolled my eyes again, feeling a headache building up. "Aunty Kang, I was just playfully calling her a pussy cat, but look at her reaction!" I explained to Ms. Kang, who turned her scrutinizing gaze towards Haerin.

"Let Y/n call you pussy cat! I love calling her that too! And Y/n, call me mother-in-law, not aunty!" Ms. Kang declared with a smile, clearly enjoying the situation. I couldn't help but smile too, glancing at Haerin, who rolled her eyes in response.

"Pussy cat!"

"You ugly!"

"Heyyyy, why did you call my child-in-law ugly?!!!"

- Kang Haerin Pov -





As I strolled through the bustling hallway, my eyes zeroed in on Y/n engrossed in conversation with a girl. A mischievous smirk painted my face, and I couldn't resist intervening. "Babe!?" I exclaimed with feigned anger, placing a hand on my hips for dramatic effect. Y/n, puzzled by my sudden intrusion, looked up, demanding an explanation.

"What? What do you want? I'm in the middle of something important, so leave!" Y/n whined, not appreciating the interruption. I maintained my fake angry expression. "Sneakily cheating behind my back, huh!?" I accused, drawing curious gazes from Y/n and the perplexed girl standing beside them.

"Y/n, are you dating Kang?" the girl inquired, seeking clarity. "No, she's just messing with me!" Y/n quickly clarified. Seizing the opportunity, I closed the distance between us, gripping Y/n's arm as they attempted to pull away.

"Yo, bitch! My Y/n is only saying this because we had a small fight. Don't worry; I'll make it up to them! But why the hell are you with my Y/n, huh? Are you asking for trouble!?" I declared.

"Uh, sorry, I was just talking with them about the upcoming exam... um, sorry if I caused any misunderstanding between you two. Take your time to make up! Bye!" The girl made a hasty retreat, leaving us alone. I released Y/n's arm, bursting into laughter. "You puss-" Y/n began, but I swiftly covered their mouth.

"Don't fucking call me that!" I warned, and they rolled their eyes. Removing my hand from their mouth. "You Kang, now she'll spread rumors that we're dating!" Y/n whined, a mix of concern and irritation on their face.

"Let her. That way, no other girl will come near you, and you'll be single forever!" I retorted with a smirk, enjoying the banter. Y/n shot me a look, expressing concern about the potential consequences of such rumors.

"So you think anyone will date you either? They'll think you're my girlfriend, you dumb bitch!" Y/n fired back, prompting a smirk from me. "Whatever, it's better than being called single."

"This puss-"

"Don't!!!" I interjected, shutting down any attempts to use that particular nickname.

( To be continued... )

Annoying Girl In Next Door [K.HR x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now