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Annoying Girl in Next Door - 11

- Third Person Pov -





Both you and Haerin were struck into a stunned silence as Mrs. Kang's voice interrupted your moment, and the awkwardness was compounded by the compromising position you found yourselves in - you pinning Haerin against the wall.

"Shit..." You mumbled, closing your eyes momentarily before facing Mrs. Kang, who stood with her hands on her hips, having just returned from the grocery shop, a bag in hand.

"Aunty Kang, it doesn't look like what it seems!" You explained, but Mrs. Kang rolled her eyes, her expression suggesting that she had a keen sense of the ongoing dynamics between you and Haerin. "I know you kids very well... sneakily dating each other, huh?" She smirked, a glint of amusement in her eyes. "I've sensed something going on between you kids from the start. That's why I was curious about that day's those screams from Haerin's room. Whatever it is, you two need to explain everything to me!" She declared, walking away with an air of expectation.

"Mom, listen to me. I don't date this ugly thing!" Haerin retorted as she started walking past her mother. "Don't lie, you pussy cat!" Ms. Kang responded, prompting a sigh from Haerin. "Don't pussy cat, aghh!" Haerin whined. "Oh, where is that Kim Y/n?" Ms. Kang questioned, glancing back when she noticed you hadn't moved from your place.

"Do I have to get you in bridal style?" Ms. Kang jokingly threatened as you hurriedly joined them, attempting to break the tension with a lighthearted tone.

- Your Pov -





As the revelation unfolded in Haerin's living room, my mother couldn't contain her excitement. "So these two are dating? Oh my god, bestie... I thought they hated each other, but look, our ship is sailing, hahahah," she exclaimed with contagious enthusiasm.

Mrs. Kang had shared the unexpected turn of events with my mom, leading to this entertaining scenario.

"For now, they think we're really dating!" Haerin whispered-yelled to me, playfully kicking my leg under the table. "Aghh, that hurts!" I exclaimed, shooting her a look. Haerin simply rolled her eyes in response. Concerned, my mother inquired, "Y/n, what happened?" Both moms directed their attention to me, awaiting an explanation.

"She kic-" I began, but Haerin swiftly interrupted, "Oh babe, did you get hurt, huh?" She rose from her seat, crossing over to me. "Where did you get hurt?" Haerin asked, pretending to inspect me, while our mothers observed the unfolding drama.

"Owwh, cute!" Ms. Kang chimed in. "Ahh, our Haeyn is sailing!" My mother joined the excitement, causing me to let out a sigh.

"You pussy cat, now they think we're really dating!" I whispered-yelled to Haerin, who nonchalantly shrugged. "Let them... they're just delusional like you," she retorted, smirking. "And don't call me pussy cat, babe!" Haerin added, playfully poking my cheek, a bit too forcefully.

"Owwh, pussy cat and babe, ahhh, I'm going to melt!" Ms. Kang expressed her amusement, joyously jumping alongside my mom.

Seizing the opportunity, Haerin continued teasing me, poking my cheek even harder. "Aghhh, it hurts!" I whined, pulling her hand away. "Mom, she's bullying me!" I protested, pointing at Haerin, who raised her hand in mock innocence.

"Hayyyyy, my child is just anti-romantic, doesn't know the romance thing. She was showing affection, you dumb!" My mom defended Haerin, chuckling along.

"Babe, come here, let me show you more love!" Haerin playfully suggested, and I sighed, feeling caught up in this comedic situation. I was stuck, and someone, please help me.

Should I dial 911 for this absurdity?

( To be continued... )

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