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Author POV

With another thunder storm, it's start raining. The weather is so windy as yeonjun take a look outside of the car window. Agitated with his life like so much. Why he have to live with his step mother when he don't like her.

"Master, Are you okay do you need anything?" The driver said when he noticed yeonjun Upset face. The younger look at the driver then shook his head in No.

"No, I am fine, No need to worry about" He replied back in a low tone then again turned his head back to outside.

He was looking at outside and at the rainfall. Soon the signal change Green from and the driver start the car then started to drove towards the mansion.

After some moments they reached yeonjun New home where his father and his step mom was already waiting for him. He feel like to go back to his mom but he can't because his father won the custody of him.

He got down from his car and a bodyguard put a umbrella over his head and lead him to inside the house. He take a look around the living room then his step mother come downstairs.

"Oh yeonjun come here sweetheart" she said with a smile but it didn't made yeonjun feel comfortable with her. He stayed at his place without even moving a inch.

"Yeonjun you should answer your mom, she greeted you with warm regards" Mr choi said while coming downstairs.

"I didn't accept her as my mother so how you expect me to answer her?" Yeonjun said in back.

"Yeonjun don't made me repeat my words, we already discussed about this before" Mr choi said with a cold tone which made yeonjun feel hurt but he remained silent.

"Now go to your room and come down when it's dinner time" Mr choi stated and turns his face away from yeonjun.

Yeonjun feel his vision get blurred and his heart felt heavy. He pushed his feet and started to go toward his room.

 He pushed his feet and started to go toward his room

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━━━𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐃✧⁠*⁠。ノ⁠♡  : 𝐘𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐁𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now