𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟑

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Author POV

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Author POV

Sounds of footsteps entered the classroom and slammed his bag at the table like it's costs nothing and sit down at his chair. Don't mistake him that he is angry this is just his way of entering the class.

Taehyun also come after few minutes and sat down beside him. Soobin was shaking his legs while playing with his phone then suddenly a strong scent hit at his nose.

Yeonjun was passing by him while talking to beomgyu. Soobin looked up from his phone and stared at yeonjun. The younger didn't noticed the older and went to his seat.

Soobin turned his head back to just saw yeonjun again. He started to observe the younger who was laughing with beomgyu. He stared at the younger for few seconds then turn his head back to the front. For some reason the scent of the younger was really attractive to him.

Moments later the professor entered the classroom and was greeted by his students.
Professor started the class as like others days and everyone was paying attention him but except soobin.

He was making drawings while chewing a gum inside his mouth. Taehyun did take few notes but after few months later he feel bored so he stop taking notes and just sit down while listening to the professor.

"So boring bro" taehyun mumbled to soobin who turn head to him and give a teasing smirk. "Why? Because beomgyu is not our Professor?" Taehyun smacked his own forehead and looked at the older.

“what's Wrong with you hyung, I regret to tell you about him" taehyun hit soobin at the arm as the older was laughing. "Yeah I was just joking" said soobin, laughing quite loudly.

The professor turned to saw them and he saw soobin was laughing without listening to him. Like always soobin never pay attention to the lectures but he did got good grades

"Why are you guys are laughing in my class!!?" Soobin stop laughing and turned to the professor. The class went silent as everyone attention was now on the blonde haired guy.

"Stand up!" But soobin didn't stood up from his seat. He continued to chew his gum which made the professor get more furious.
"Soobin I said stand up!!" The professor yelled and soobin lazily stood up from his seat.

"Why you are laughing in my class! Why don't you pay attention to my lessons!!?" The professor was yelling at him and Soobin just listened to him while chewing his gum in relax and not like any words of his professor is effecting him.

"Just get out of my class!!?" Soobin stop chewing his gum and look at him then give him a wide smile. "Thanks I will love to!" Soobin take his bag and ran out of the classroom like it's doesn't matter.

"Such a mannerless kid" the professor mumbled and was again about to start his lesson but get interrupted by soobin.

"Sir can I take taehyun with me! He said his stomach was dancing in pain that's why I was laughing, can I sir!?" He said with such a loud voice which made taehyun hide his face in embarrassment Because the class was laughing.

"Just get out of my face!!" Soobin rolled his eyes and walked into the classroom then hold taehyun hand and dragged him out of the class with him.

Yeonjun was staring at soobin who walked out of the room while laughing with his friend. He find soobin so carefree and way more different from him.

"He is so different...?"

Time skip

Yeonjun walked out of the classroom with beomgyu who was putting his things inside his bag then turned to the older.

"Anyway hyung , I've music class, so I've to go do you want to join me, I mean if you want?" Asked beomgyu as the older looked at him.

"Uhm, I don't think so, you should go now I will like to stay alone for sometimes" He replied and beomgyu nodded his head. "Okay call me if you need something?" Beomgyu said while making a call sign and walking away.

Yeonjun nodded his head then stared at beomgyu until the younger disappeared from his vision. He adjusted his glasses and turned his heels then started to walk away.

He was walking around the college and he come across the basketball court of the campus. He saw that seniors was playing basketball so He stopped walking and starting to watch them playing.

Suddenly he started to zone out in his thoughts while looking at them. Memories of his mother flashed into his mind. How happy she was when their family was together.

Getting separate from family is the most awful thing to him. He was so happy with his little family without knowing that by inside their family already had isolated.

He was in deep of his thoughts and he didn't even notice that a basketball was coming towards him with full speed and was about to hit him.

His eyes were wide open when he noticed that the ball was near him and when it was about to hit him at the face he tightly closed his eyes.

But when he didn't feel any pain on his face he opened his eyes. He opened his eyes to saw soobin was standing beside him with the basketball in his one hand.

"Hey soobin!! Pass the ball dude!"one of the player yelled from the field as soobin throw the ball towards him. "be careful next time dude!! What if someone get hurt!!?" He shouted back at them with a smile then turned to yeonjun, who was staring at him

Yeonjun looked away from him when he noticed that soobin caught him staring. Soobin slowly walked upto him and bring his face closer to yeonjun which made the younger get startled.

"Hey beautiful guy, If you don't want your pretty face get hurt, then next time stand far away from the field, okay?" Soobin whispered with deep tone and with a smirk.

Yeonjun heart skipped a beat when he noticed the closeness of them. And soobin's deep voice made him feel chill. He can feel that his cheeks was burning and it's flashed up which was embarrassing for him so he turned his face away.

"T-thanks for this-s, and I will be more careful next time-e" Yeonjun really regret for stuttering with his words. He don't know why he is stuttering with his words right now and he was blushing like crazy.

Soobin let out a husky chuckled with his deep voice and looked at yeonjun. "Where is beomgyu, did he went for music class?" Soobin asked as yeonjun turned to him and slowly nodded.

"H-how did you know about my cousin?" He asked to him because he was confused how did soobin know about his cousin. "Nothing, just my friend is obsessed with your cousin that's why I know about him" replied soobin.

"So see you later kitten, be careful next time" soobin patted yeonjun head and walked away from there and yeonjun was left speechless behind.

"What-t on the earth was that-t" Yeonjun mumbled in shock and touch the same place soobin just patted him and turn to look at the older, who was walking away.

"The first conversation"

I am going to change the last photo of ending the chapter Because I think it's not suiting the plot

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I am going to change the last photo of ending the chapter Because I think it's not suiting the plot. Anyway how was the part hope you guys enjoy and don't forget to vote. Love you guys

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