Episode 5

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Author POV

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Author POV

Soobin took out his phone from his back pocket and turn on the screen. He saw that he got message from someone, he rose one of his eyebrows and tap the message.

Taehyun was sitting beside him, staring at the board blankly, listening to the last lesson of the day then they can go home. Soon the class ended so He turned his face to soobin and see that the older was talking with someone.

"Do you have, any plans today ?" He asked, soobin looked up from his phone to him then nodded. "Yes, I've to go for my Job?" Soobin mumbled while turning off his phone.

"Oh, must be busy, I thought we would hang out?" Taehyun said and soobin turn to him with a cold expression. "But I can't make time today, sorry for that maybe we can try another day, hm? Anyway I gotta go now" soobin Put his backpack on his shoulder and walked out of the classroom.

"I guess I have to go home than, let's go" taehyun mumbled to himself and stood up from his seat then started to walk out of the class.

Yeonjun was coming out of the classroom with beomgyu who was trying to call someone. "Why you looks so pissed off?" Yeonjun asked as beomgyu turn off his phone and turned to him.

"Nothing, what made you think that I am pissed off, I am just trying to contact my friends why they didn't came today?" Beomgyu said, putting his phone inside of his bag.

"Oh? Okay, anyway I should go by now, the driver must be waiting for me, see you later" Yeonjun said and walked away from there.

Yeonjun came out of the campus and went to the parking area. He started to look around for his car then suddenly he spotted soobin.

Soobin was wearing his helmet and then get on his bike.then He started the bike and soon left the place. Yeonjun stood there, staring at the way soobin just went.

"Cool...." He thought inside of his mind but got interrupted by his driver. He blinked his eyes for few times and look at his driver. "Let's go young master" he nodded his head slowly and went inside of his car.

Time skip

Soobin entered the studio while taking his backpack off from his shoulder.  He walked into the room where photoshoots are done, well he work as a photographer.

"Oh hyung?" Heesung went upto him and give soobin his Camera. "How is everything?" Soobin asked while taking his camera from him. Heesung was his co-worker more like assistant.

"Good, We've five photoshoots today, can you cover it all today?" heesung said as soobin chuckled and look at him then said, "of course I can that's nothing so hard" .

Then Soobin and heesung went to their separate ways and started working. The models was getting ready and soobin was adjusting the camera.

"Don't you think he is so handsome?" One of the model whispered to other model. "yeah you're right, he is too unreal as a human, I wish I could date him if I wasn't a model" the second model said, let out a sigh.

━━━𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐃✧⁠*⁠。ノ⁠♡  : 𝐘𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐁𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now