𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟐

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Author POV

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Author POV

The next day Morning

Yeonjun wake up from his sleep as he take a look around his room with heavy eyes. He slowly got up from his bed and went to his bathroom to take shower and get ready for the day.

When yeonjun was ready he walked out of his room and went to the downstairs. He saw his father and his step mother was already at the Breakfast table.

He slowly walked up to the table and sat down across them. Not making any eye contact he start to eat his breakfast. He didn't even want to greet them or look at them just focused on his breakfast and didn't look at her.

"Yeonjun, that's disrespectful to your mother" Mr choi said to his son but yeonjun still didn't spoke a word to them, just continue eating his breakfast.

Mr choi was about to say something more but Mrs choi stopped him by saying that, "let it go honey, he still need time to adjust". Yeonjun take a glance at his step mom then again look down at his plate.

"But he shouldn't disrespect like this" Mr choi again said and started to eat his breakfast. Yeonjun put down his chopsticks and look at them.

"I am done, I am heading to college" yeonjun said and got up from his seat without even complete his breakfast. He went to his room and come down with his things then walked out of the house.

He went to the car and told the driver to drop him to the college. He even need to change the college Because of sudden transfer from one city to another city. Hopefully beomgyu, his cousin study at the same college.

He stared outside of the window with a upset look on his face. Lots of things was running in his mind and he is so done with this life like why he can't get a little bit of happiness or freedom.

He was in deep of thoughts until the car stopped because of the signal and he come out from his thoughts then look at the front. When he saw the signal he again turned his head to the window.

He was staring outside of his car window suddenly a guy stopped his motorbike beside his car. Yeonjun can't saw his face because of the helmet.

Yeonjun take his eyes off the guy or what if the guy Found him weird in mistake when he was just looking at outside.

Soobin was waiting for the signal to change while tapping his fingers. He turned his head and noticed the car beside him and the young guy was sitting inside the car. He quickly looked away and again checked the signal.

Soon the signal changed and soobin start his motorbike and within a minute he was nowhere around the place. Yeonjun just stared at outside while in surprise Because the speed of the bike was so fast.

Time skip

Yeonjun arrived his college and entered the campus while looking around for his cousin. He was looking around for him until he heard a lot voice calling his name and he know who is that.

"CHOI YEONJUN!!" Beomgyu jumped at his back and almost made yeonjun lost his balance. "Yeah! Choi Beomgyu get off me!" Yeonjun yelled and he hears a giggling sounds from his behind as beomgyu get down from his back.

"Sorry, not sorry, anyway it's been so long we have not meet, how is everything?" Beomgyu asked and wrapped his arm around the older left arm then started to walked into the building.

"What else is new, it's terrible as always, like you know my parents get divorced," yeonjun mumbled with a low tone as beomgyu nodded.

"Yeah I know but you know what fuck about it when you're with me okay, let's go!" They walked into the hallway while talking with each other.

Until beomgyu spot someone which made him rolled his eyes and just continue talking with yeonjun like normal. Suddenly someone call beomgyu.

"Good morning baby" yeonjun raised his one eyebrow and turned to beomgyu who was looking so done.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Yeonjun asked but when beomgyu was looking like he is about to Vomit. "Ew! How could you think that yeonjun,!" Beomgyu replied to him. "But I am beomgyu" the guy with peach coloured hairs said.

"Shut up you squirrel, why don't you go with your blonde haired power pole guy, just stop disturbing me" beomgyu stared and went away with yeonjun.

"Aish, beomgyu mark my words I am not letting you go!" The guy shouted but beomgyu just turned to give him a look of disgust and then looked away.

Taehyun was standing there until soobin come from nowhere and smacked him at the head which made the younger groaned and turn to him .

"Don't you have any other work without chasing that bear huh?" Soobin asked to the younger who pouted a little and started to walked after the older.

"It's not my fault beomgyu is too pretty you know, so my heart can't control it's feelings and my mind can't control it's actions" Taehyun said while walking after him.

Soobin rolled his eyes and put his hands inside the pockets is his black leather jeans and he was walking around until someone caught his attention.

He saw someone new with beomgyu and its was the same guy he saw at the signal. He raised his eyebrows and turned to the younger.

"Who is he? Seems like he is new here?" Soobin said while putting a lollipop inside his mouth. Taehyun look at the way beomgyu was standing with his cousin.

"I don't know, maybe he is beomgyu's friend or related to him?" Taehyun replied and shrugged his shoulders.

"Of course you can't know because it's not about beomgyu tho" soobin teased him and walked away from the Younger who rolled his eyes and followed the older to the back area of the college.

Hope you guys like the part and if not then I am sorry because I am not feeling well

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Hope you guys like the part and if not then I am sorry because I am not feeling well.

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