Episode 6

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Author POV

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Author POV

Next morning

Soobin came with wonyoung to accompany to the bus stop. It was a silence between them because none of them was talking. Soon they reached bus stop and soobin stopped his bike.

"The bus didn't arrived yet huh?" Soobin asked, because he doesn't saw any sign of bus. Wonyoung took a look at the board and saw it still left some minutes for bus to arrive.

"Oh some time left for bus arrive" Wonyoung mumbled, and turned to look at her brother. Soobin nodded his head and started to look around the place and noticed a convenience store across the road.

"Yah, wait for me here I will be back" soobin left before wonyoung could ask where he is going. She sighed and started to wait for her brother and for the bus to arrive. The wind was blowing softly as her hairs is moving along with wind. She brush some of her hairs behind while looking forward to the board.

Soobin came and patted at her shoulder which made the younger turned to him with confusion look on her face. He handed her the bottle of soy milk and softly strokes her hair.

"I know it's your favourite" Wonyoung smiled as she look at the bottle then look up at him. "You remember it! Thanks oppa!" Wonyoung hugged him as soobin chuckled and hugged her back.

Soobin look at the side and saw that the bus already arrived. "The bus is already here, let's meet later okay" Soobin said, lightly pulling away from the hug. Wonyoung smiled for the last time and hopped on the bus.

She sat down near the window and waved her hand towards soobin. The older give off the same reaction to her and soon the bus left from there so soobin thought to went to college.

He get on his bike and put on his helmet than left for college.

Time skip

Yeonjun was eating kimbap while studying for taking the notes of previous lessons, Beomgyu gave him his notebook and now the younger is nowhere to found so yeonjun was all by himself now.

He was sitting at one the bench of the campus and suddenly soobin was passing by there and he spotted the younger doing his works. He thought to approach to him so he changed his direction and walked towards the Younger.

"Yeonjun-ah Anyeong! How have you been?" Soobin asked, took off his bag and sat down beside yeonjun who was surprised by sudden voice. "Oh! It's you, I am doing-g great, thanks for asking" Yeonjun replied, filled with sudden nervous inside him.

The older give him a smile and look down at his notebook. Yeonjun bite his lips in nervousness and thought to make a conversation with the older, even though he is feeling dead nervous.

━━━𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐃✧⁠*⁠。ノ⁠♡  : 𝐘𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐁𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now