Episode 8

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Author POV

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Author POV

Next day morning

Yeonjun cames down the stairs and see that his step mother was serving the breakfast on the table. When Mihye noticed Yeonjun was standing by the stairs she flashed a smile towards him.

"Ah, Yeonjun dear, your already here, good come and sit down, then we will have breakfast-" Yeonjun cut off her words by interrupting in middle. "Sorry, I'm going to skip my breakfast today" He turned his heels and went outside.

Mihye try to say something to stop him but he already left before she could say anything to stop him from leaving. She stared at the doorway but she can't do anything with it, she let out a sigh and went back to kitchen.

Yeonjun steps into his car and told the driver to go, as the driver started to drove towards his college. Yeonjun let out a sigh while thinking about his step mother, not like he wants to behave so harshly, but he can't help it, because he feels so angry whenever he saw his step mother.

He leaned back in his seat and stared out of the window, the sky was clean and the sunlight was warm, white clouds shattered around the sky, making it looks more relaxed.

He slowly slide down the window and took his hand out a little bit, when the cold breez of wind hits his hand he feels shiver. "I hope someone, or something would help me step out from his meaningless life, who will held my hand and said that, "I'm always there for you, no matter what", Hopes so" He thought while looking at his hand.

Suddenly someone came with his motorbike and held his hand, which make Yeonjun get surprised by sudden action. He stared at the guy even though he was wearing a helmet but Yeonjun could recognise him, because it's was soobin, who held his hand.

They made a eye contact with each other, seems like the time stopped for Yeonjun, he stared at those beautiful attractive eyes, the wind blowing softly, time stopped for him and heart was beating like crazy, this is what called love at first sight?

Soobin smiled which couldn't been seen by Yeonjun, he then let go Yeonjun's hand and speed up his bike soon left from there. Yeonjun cames back to his senses when soobin let go his hand and went away.

He stared out at the window to the way soobin went, he wished this moment would last long forever, but it's not possible.

He bring back his hand inside the car and stared at his hand, slowly his lips curved into a small endearing smile, he then put his hand over his heart because he could feel how fast it was. "Damn you, Mr Choi to make my heart beat like this" He smiled while thinking about what happened earlier.

In college

Yeonjun cames out from his car while looking around for certain someone, but seems like he couldn't find him but instead he find his cousin who was arguing with Hueningkai.

━━━𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐃✧⁠*⁠。ノ⁠♡  : 𝐘𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐁𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now