"Y/N Cookie?!" They both shouted are me in shock.
"I thought I told you to stay with the others!" Hollyberry Cookie looked even more distressed.
"You're not sssupposed to be here!" Pitaya Dragon Cookie shook me like crazy.
"H-hey! Chill!" I took a step back from the two. "Just pretend I'm not here..."
They both decided to just shrug me off of their minds, though Pitaya Dragon Cookie kept glancing at me.
Hollyberry Cookie argued about why she had to crush her Soul Jam.
I was in a fairly awkward position.
Pitaya Dragon Cookie had to explain to her why Hollyberry Cookie had to crush her Soul Jam: to reverse the contract.
As their conversation continued. The rumbling in the ground only got worse.
I just wanted to be with P/N, but who could possibly give up a chance to see something as intense as this?!
Well. Not me.
And... as it turns out... Hollyberry Cookie was willing to crush her Soul Jam to protect everyone she cares about.
But... surely there had to be another way! There were four other Ancient Cookie's, so what if one of their own stories were untrue? I'd only ever heard the tapes of Pure Vanilla Cookie, Dark Cacao Cookie, Golden Cheese Cookie, and Hollyberry Cookie herself! But never whoever the last one was....
"Wait!" I burst out of my thoughts, interrupting them. "Is this really the only way? I- I just know that there's something else you can do!" I turned to Hollyberry Cookie. "There are five of you, correct? I've only ever heard stories of four of you, so... who's the fifth?"
And she came to realise something. "Yes... there are five us!"
She faced Pitaya Dragon Cookie. "Did any of the stories the Dragonsworn tell you... include White Lily Cookie?""That's it!" I smiled brightly.
According to Hollyberry Cookie, White Lily Cookie was no longer a Cookie hero. She was instead doing the opposite of what her Soul Jam originally helped her do: torment other Cookie's in her pursuit of baking the most perfectly sweet Cookie.
Turns out, her name had changed to Dark Enchantress Cookie! Who was the enemy we'd been after all along!
Suddenly, flames burst up all around us. I squeaked in fright, clutching my journal close to me as I backed up against Hollyberry Cookie.
Pitaya Dragon Cookie was no longer wearing his disguise I had made him wear yesterday morning. He was back in his normal scale-looking armour... thing.
I don't know what to call it.
He'd come to the realisation of what Hollyberry Cookie and I had said and gave me the insane vibes, I'll be honest.
But... what now?!
The flames only grew bigger with each passing moment. I was tempted to touch it.
"You Cookiesss are ssso sssmall, weak, and fragile..." Pitaya Dragon Cookie snarled, taking my attention to him.
"Excuse me...?!" I hissed under my breath at him, sounding offended.
"But you are sssmart, you ssstick together and manage to sssurvive after all!"
It was true, though. I'd basically be nothing without my friends, in my thoughts.
"We will ssse whether I can reclaim the power of TILTHEND, or perisssh!"
¿♥︎ {- Unexpected Love -} ♡?
Adventure★ A Pitaya Dragon Cookie x Reader story. Y/N Cookie was best friends with Princess Cookie and sometimes accompanied her on her adventures with Knight Cookie, who could barely keep up with their personality. One day, Hollyberry Cookie, Princess Cooki...