Chapter One

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It was just after dinner when Harry was walking out of the Great Hall with Ron and Hermione. They were making their way to the library (on Hermione's orders of course), when Malfoy walked past.

"Hey Ferret," Ron said. Harry could see Malfoy flinch a little at Ron's tone. Wait what? When has Malfoy ever flinched because of Ron? He wondered before tuning back into what Ron was saying, "Watch where you're going."

 Malfoy looked up at Ron slowly with a confused look on his face. "What do you mean Weasley? I'm nowhere near you! In fact, I'm on the opposite side of the corridor."

 Harry noticed that Malfoy didn't have the same flare that usually accompanied his words. In fact, he didn't even use any sarcasm or pull his trademark Malfoy sneer! Harry was soon brought out of his confused thoughts by the sound of Hermione's voice.

"Ron, just leave him alone. You're just trying to pick a fight."

 Ron turned to Hermione with a look of incredulity. "But Hermione! He's Malfoy! He deserves it."

 Harry was surprised that Hermione would defend Malfoy as well. But then again... Malfoy hadn't done anything to them all year. In fact, Harry couldn't remember the last time he saw Malfoy mouth off to anyone since last year.

 Harry studied Malfoy. Truly studied him. He looked paler than usual and had giant bags under his eyes. There was no doubt in Harry's mind that Malfoy hadn't been getting enough sleep. What's more, is he almost looked like he was trying to plead with Hermione with his eyes to get Ron to calm down and he even seemed to shrink a little whenever Ron would say something.

 Hermione was responding to Ron's arguments, but Harry wasn't really listening. At that moment, Ron had started using wild hand gestures, obviously trying to make Hermione see his point. But when he raised his hand high in the air, Malfoy visibly flinched away and took a step back from Ron, looking scared. Wait...Scared!? Since when is Malfoy scared of anything? Especially Ron of all people! It must have something to do with the raised hand... Hmm...

 That's when Malfoy's eyes found Harry's. Finding Harry looking back at him, he held Harry's gaze. Gray eyes held green for just a moment, but in that small second Malfoy had let down his walls. He had taken away the mask he always had on which helped hide his true feelings so that Harry could see the extent of his fear and just how much he wished to be out of that situation. Once Malfoy had put his mask back on and looked away, Harry looked back towards the bickering couple.

 Harry cleared his throat loudly to get the pair's attention. The two had obviously forgotten he was still there because immediately, Ron looked to him. Ron was happy, believing that Harry would take his side and Hermione, believing the same thing, looked utterly defeated. She gave Malfoy an apologetic look before looking back towards Harry to wait for him to speak. Harry, instead of looking at the couple, looked towards Malfoy and let his gaze linger there while he said, "Ron, leave Malfoy alone."

 Both Ron and Hermione gasped in surprise but Harry didn't see their facial expressions. He was instead watching Malfoy, who had looked up from his shoes: which he had been staring at ever since Harry had cleared his throat. He was looking at Harry in surprise, as he obviously was not expecting Harry to go against Ron. Harry and Malfoy kept staring at each other until they were interrupted by Ron who grabbed Harry's shoulder and spun him around.

"Harry, mate!" Ron said, "Are you feeling okay? Are you sick or something?"

 Harry rolled his eyes before he responded. "Honestly Ron, I'm perfectly fine. But look, Malfoy hasn't done anything to us, so just let him go on his way and we can finally go to the library... okay?"

 Harry could see that Ron looked like he had been completely betrayed. He looked between Harry and Hermione and seemed to deflate a little. Then he stood up straight again, glared at Malfoy one more time, and turned back towards the library with a huff, saying: "Fine... Let's just go already".

 Ron then started walking towards the library without looking back to see if Harry and Hermione were behind him. Hermione quickly followed him trying to catch up. Harry made to follow as well, but stopped to look one last time at Malfoy. He looked relieved that Ron had left, yet he still looked upset. Harry studied him again, noticing that Malfoy looked stressed and tired and... depressed. He looked as if he had the world on his shoulders.

 Malfoy and Harry locked eyes one last time before Malfoy turned and walked swiftly down the hallway. Well, Harry thought to himself, at least he didn't lose his gracefulness. Harry shook his head and walked towards the library; towards his friends. On the way, Harry mentally prepared himself for the onslaught of questions that were bound to be asked from Ron once he entered the library.

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