Chapter Nine

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When Harry came into the Common Room the next day, his path was blocked by Hermione. "Harry!" Hermione said, "Where were you last night?"

Harry, who had been expecting this, answered right away. "Don't worry 'Mione. I was just with Malfoy."


"Well, Narcissa was supposed to have arrived that morning so when she still wasn't here by dinner, he was really worried."

"So what happened?" Hermione asked, "Is he okay? Did Narcissa show up?"

Harry held up his hand to get her to stop he questions. "Geeze Hermione," he joked, "could you let a guy finish his thought?"

Hermione blushed a little, then motioned for him to continue. "Okay," he started again, "so I went to see if he was okay and he was pretty upset so I comforted him for a bit." Harry blushed at this, remembering how he had embraced Malfoy. Harry noticed Hermione give him a questioning and calculating look so he hurried to finish, hoping to distract her.

"And then Dumbledore and Snape showed up with Narcissa and I stayed a bit to talk to Dumbledore. Then I noticed it was really late so I came back here to sleep."

"So Narcissa is safe then?"

"Yeah, she just couldn't get away from Lucius any earlier." Harry replied.

"Oh thank goodness! When do you think they're going to tell everyone about them switching sides?"

"I assume it'll be today. Let's go eat! I'm starved."

He and Hermione made their way to the Great Hall and when Harry went through the doors, he automatically turned to look for Malfoy. Harry noticed that the blonde looked really happy, an emotion Harry hadn't seen the boy wear in quite a long time.

As if sensing his gaze, Malfoy looked over at him. Harry watched, mesmerized as the blonde smiled that breathtaking smile and Harry found that he couldn't look away. Or move for that matter. But just as suddenly as it started, it stopped when Malfoy looked away. Harry found he could walk again and managed to make it to his seat.

What is wrong with me? Harry thought. Why is he effecting me so much? Harry didn't have time to think about this, however, because right at that moment, Dumbledore got up to get everyone's attention.

"I have an announcement to make! We have a very special guest who will be staying here in Hogwarts for protection. This person and her son have switched sides in the war and therefore need the protection Hogwarts can give. So please welcome Narcissa Malfoy."

During Dumbledore's announcement, people had been happy and excited to have a new supporter for the light side. But Harry noticed, once they discovered it was Narcissa and Draco Malfoy that had switched, they weren't so thrilled. In fact, everyone seemed to be accusing the Malfoys of being spies for Voldemort.

By the time Narcissa was seated beside Snape at the Head table, people were starting to voice their opinions quite loudly. Harry finally had had enough and started walking through the House tables to get to the front of the Great Hall. As he did this, people started getting the wrong impression. "See!" one person yelled out, "Harry knows that they are up to something!"

"Yeah!" another kid added, "I bet he's going to go hex them!"

Finally, Harry had made it to the podium that Dumbledore used. "May I?" Harry asked the Head Master. At Dumbledore's nod of approval, Harry cast sonorus on himself and turned to the students.

"May I have your attention please?" Immediately, his classmates became silent, eager to hear what the 'Golden Boy' had to say. Once he was sure everyone was listening, Harry continued. "Look, I know you all think that the Malfoys are spies for Voldemort, but they aren't!"

"And how would you know that?" a boy from Ravenclaw asked.

"Because I have gotten to know Malfoy and he proved to me that he was telling the truth."

"How?" asked a Hufflepuff girl.

Harry looked over to Malfoy and saw the blonde was watching him very intently. Harry knew that everyone would understand right away if they knew that Malfoy had cried and broken down in front of him. But Harry also knew that he would forever lose Malfoy's trust. And Harry didn't want to see the blonde with his mask on anymore. He wanted to see the blonde smile. So Harry looked directly at Malfoy when he answered.

"That is between Malfoy and myself as it is personal. But, I assure you that it proved his innocence." Harry watched Malfoy's eyes and saw relief pooling within the gray. "Now," Harry finished, "I hope you take my word for it. And if not, well, please keep your opinions to yourself. Thank you." With that, Harry left the podium, taking off the sonorus, and went back to his seat.

Dumbledore stood up once again and said, "Well said Mr. Potter. Now, all of you go and enjoy your Saturday!" As the Head Master sat down again, most people got up and left the Great Hall, talking animatedly to each other as they went.

Harry slumped down in his seat: He truly hated having people staring at him like that. It took a lot out of him. He just hoped it would work and people would leave Narcissa and Malfoy alone. Harry looked up towards the blonde to see him talking to Zabini, Nott, and Parkinson. Harry hoped Malfoy's friends are okay with him switching sides.


Draco's POV:

"So that's what you couldn't tell me?" Blaise asked.

Draco sighed. Once Potter had finished speaking, Pansy, Blaise and Theo had swarmed him. "Yeah Blaise... I'm sorry I wouldn't tell you before but I couldn't risk being discovered, you know?"

"I get it Draco." Blaise said, "You didn't want your mother getting hurt."

"Thanks Blaise." Draco said. Well, he thought, at least I still have Blaise as a friend... Draco turned to the other two who hadn't spoken yet. "So?" Draco asked, expecting the worst, "Are you still my friends now that I'm on the light side?"

All three of Draco's friends looked at him with incredulous expressions. Pansy was the first to speak, "Draco! How could you think we'd stop being friends with you?"

Draco looked at all his friends to see that none of them were going to leave him. Draco was confused. I thought they supported the Dark Lord? Draco looked back towards Pansy and realized that she was waiting for him to answer her. "Um... I dunno... I just thought that..."

"That what?" Blaise interrupted, "That we actually want to follow a bloody psychopath and do what he says?"

Draco suddenly felt very foolish. How could I have had such little faith in my friends? Draco wondered. "I'm sorry." he said, hoping his apology would be enough.

"It's okay Draco. We thought for a while that you were willingly doing what the Dark Lord said so how can we be mad at you for thinking the same of us." Blaise said, always the voice of reason.

"Thanks guys, this means a lot."

"We'll always be there for you Draco." Theo said, this being the first time he spoke throughout the whole conversation.

Finally his friends left him to finish eating. Draco looked over to where Potter was sitting and saw him slouching in his seat. At that moment, Potter looked up and gray eyes met green for a moment. In that moment, Draco could see that Potter looked close to vomiting. He looks awfully green. Draco thought. It's probably because he was talking in front of the whole school. Now that Draco knew about how much Potter hates his fame, he knew about how much energy it took for Potter to do that. I can't believe he did that for Mother and me. I feel like I owe him so much.

After what seemed like forever, Potter looked away and got up to leave with Granger. At that moment, surrounded by his friends and knowing Potter was there for him and having his Mother safe, Draco felt truly happy.

That feeling, however, only lasted for a short while. Once he was alone, walking up all those stairs to his room, they found him... and they didn't let him go until a while later.

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