Chapter Thirty-Five

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Author's Note:

       So! The end has finally arrived!!! :o Enjoy! :)


It was nearing the end of the year and everyone was a little on edge, Harry especially. He knew that Ronald had been planning something by the nervous look on the red head's face. Everyone was simply waiting for something to happen.

Otherwise, nothing much had changed in the time that had passed. Harry and Draco had gotten even closer and it was a normal day for the boys. They were eating dinner as per usual when an owl landed next to Harry.

Confused because the post never arrived this late, Draco ended up taking the letter from the tawny owl.

"It's addressed to you, Raven." The blonde said, feeding the owl a treat he had in his robe pocket.

Harry took the letter from his boyfriend with a smile which quickly vanished when he read it through.

"What is it?" Draco asked.

He sighed quietly, "Not here. We'll talk later, okay?"

"Okay Harry, no problem." Draco said understandingly.

Harry ate as quickly as he could without looking suspicious and Dray followed suit. Once done, they stood and quickly made their way to their flat. There, they sat on the couch so they could talk properly.

"What's going on Harry?" the blond questioned.

"It was from Dumbledore." Harry said, handing Draco the letter. "It says I'm to meet with him late tonight, that it's to be kept secret... Even from you..."

Draco looked up at that, "So why did you tell me?"

"You're my everything Dray, I refuse to keep things from you."

"But this was Dumbledore's orders! Obviously, it's incredibly important if he tells you to keep it a secret from me!"

Harry moved so he was face to face with the blond before leaning in to give him a chaste kiss.

"We're a team, Dray. We always will be, you know that."

Draco smiled brightly, giving another kiss to Harry.

"So, what? You're just not going to tell him you told me?"

"Well... Not quite." He said with a smirk.

The blonde groaned, "I know that look Harry! What are you planning this time?"

"I've decided that you'll be coming with me."

"What!?" Draco exclaimed.

"You're going to join me tonight. Dumbledore needs to see how important you are and that I'm not leaving you behind." He said passionately.

"Thank you" Dray whispered, a tear escaping his eye.

"Why are you crying?" Harry wondered aloud, wiping the tear away with his thumb.

"I've always been afraid that you'd run off to defeat Voldemort, leaving me to worry about you for Merlin knows how long."

"I won't leave you, Dray, I love you." He replied, pulling the blond into a kiss.

Before it could get too heated, however, it was time for them to go.

"Look Draco, before we go, I have to tell you something."

"What is it Raven?" Dray asked hesitantly.

Draco's POV:

They sat in the Headmaster's office, waiting for Dumbledore to come in. Draco couldn't believe what Harry had told him. He was still slightly in shock from the news.

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