Chapter Three

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It had been a couple of days since the incident with Malfoy and Harry was no closer to figuring out how to confront Malfoy than he'd been before. Ron had gotten over himself but he still sends dirty looks at Malfoy every chance he gets. By the time dinner came around, however, apparently Ron couldn't hold himself back any longer.

Harry walked into the Great Hall a little later than everyone else because he had been preoccupied by thoughts of Malfoy. When he walked to his normal spot between Ron and Hermione, Harry felt everyone's eyes on him. This was nothing new to Harry, but what was new, were the pair of gray eyes watching him. Normally, Malfoy would just keep his head down, but he was actually watching Harry cross to his seat today. Harry didn't seem to be the only one to notice this as, for once, Ron decided to be observant. Harry sat between his two best friends and immediately Ron turned to Harry, "Do you see that Harry? He's staring at you!"

"So what Ron? So is everyone else." Harry replied.

Ron looked at Harry, then over to Hermione and finally looked back at Malfoy and glared before going back to his food. Harry let out the breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding and started piling food onto his own plate. All throughout dinner, Ron refused to talk to either Harry or Hermione and Harry could feel gray eyes on him the entire time.

People were just starting to leave the Great Hall when Harry noticed Malfoy get up to leave. Harry figured this was his chance to go talk to him. Before he could even get up, however, Ron was already bolting after Malfoy, obviously set on having a row with him. Harry looked to Hermione for a second; she had a worried expression on her face. Harry wasted no more time and got up and went after Ron and the blonde. Harry turned the corner in time to hear Ron say, "Oi, Malfoy!"

Malfoy turned around to face Ron. He looked exhausted and once he saw it was Ron who had called him, he looked utterly defeated. "What Weasley?"

"Why were you staring at Harry all throughout dinner, huh? You planning something Ferret?"

Harry had had enough as Malfoy looked like he was about to be sick.

"Ron," Harry said, "leave him alone. He hasn't done anything wrong." Malfoy looked almost relieved that Harry had stepped in. Ron, on the other hand, looked absolutely livid.

"Harry, mate... Malfoy was staring at you all through dinner!"

Harry groaned and turned to face Ron full out. "We've already discussed this! Everyone was staring at me at dinner, not just him! Just drop it okay?"

"Whatever Harry... I'll see you later then."

Ron stomped off and Harry turned back towards Malfoy only to see that he'd left as well. Frustrated, Harry walked back to the common room where he overheard Ron talking to Hermione.

"'Mione," Ron said, "I swear, Harry's gone mental! This is the second time he's defended Malfoy! I don't understand it! I mean, it's like I don't even know him anymore."

"Ron," Hermione said, "honestly, calm down. There's nothing wrong with Harry. He's just trying to help Malfoy out!"

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