The Fates Decision

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*Third Person POV*

The room was completely black. There was no ray of sunshine. The musty scent lingered in the room, chocking anyone who happened to breath it in. In this lifeless room there was three old woman.

Their faces winkled from old age. All of them wore black, you would think they where dressing up as witches for Halloween. They were all identical, you wouldn't be able to tell them apart. Their dark soulless eyes peered into a bowl, watching all the imagines swirl around in the water.

"The Varden needs help," one of them said.

"Yes they do, but how can we help them?" came a raspy reply.

"We should send someone from our world to help them," the other old woman told her sisters.

"But who?" all three of them said in unison.

All three of them pondered this. They needed someone who knew a lot about war, but at the same time powerful. Really powerful. If they aren't, they won't survive the transformation.

"We all know who we have to send," one of the sister said.

"But his already been in two wars! He deserves a break!" one of them argued.

"I know! But if we send anyone else they will die! His the Vardens only hope!" The old woman retorted.

"Sisters stop this fighting it will lead nowhere!" the last sister told them, "After he helps the Varden, as his reward will give a happy long life with his loved one."

All of them agreed.

"Two dragons against one isn't fair, now it's time to level the field."

All of them disappeared with a poof.


*Percy's POV*

Yo boss can we stop for some doughnuts?

I shook my head at Blackjack antics. I was finally going to see my mum. After being nearly a year away from her, I finally get to see her.

Blackjacks long black mane whipped in my face, a he galloped across the sky. It was bright and sunny day, with a clear blue sky. A perfect day.

On the way back too camp.

Ok boss!

We landed on the roof of my mum's apartment. After dismounting Blackjack he flew off into the clouds.

I climbed down into the fire shoot. I landed in my bedroom.

It stayed the extracted same as I left it. The donna was thrown onto my bed. Clothes invaded the carpet. My homework from last year was on the desk, left unfinished. (Like I was going to do it anyway) The room still smelt like the ocean.

I heard keys jingling. The door clicked and footsteps entered the apartment. I peaked though the door.

Mum was humming a tune, with both of her hands full of bags of food.

I walked into the living room. Mum was unpacking the food and then a jar of coffee started to fall from the bench. My fast reflexes caught the jar. Mum jumped a bit and gasp when she saw me.

"P-Percy is that you?"

"Yes mum it's me."

She bear hugged me and started crying on my shoulder. Sobs escaped her mouth. Her tears stained my top, but I didn't care because I was also staining her top. We stayed there, enjoying our embrace. She pulled back and wiped the tears out of her eyes.

"Percy I thought you were dead! Never do that to me again!" She scolded at me.

"Hey don't blame me! Blame that stupid goddess Hera!' I told her.

Thunder rumbled in the distance.

She sighed and walked over to the cupboards. She was pulling out ingredients and bowls. But when she pulled out the blue food dye I knew what she was going to make.

Her famous blue homemade cookies.

We got to work making the yummy cookies. After spending ten minutes making the dough we put them in the oven.



Yay! The cookies are ready! I ran to the oven. Mum was already there pulling them out. The yummy aroma hit me like a truck. My belly grumbled.

Mum put them on the cooling rack. I was just about to reached and grab one but my hand was smacked. I looked up and saw mum glaring at me.

"Once there cooled down then you can have one."

I nodded my head. One fact about life: never mess with your mum. Especially my mum.

I kept my gaze on the cookies he whole time, licking my lips. If I was a dog my tail would be wagging a million miles an hour. Their delicious aroma filled the air.

Ring! Ring!

"Percy can you answer the door?" Mum yelled.

I sighed. I'll be back my precious cookies!

I walked to the door and opened it.
In the door way was three old ladies, all dressed in black.

"Oh Styx."

My world turned black.

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