The Sea Green Dragon

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*Eragon's POV*

Then a booming roar shook the plains.

I flared around looking from the source of the sound but I couldn't see anything. A storm swirled over head, casting shadows on the plains. Only one person had the power to do that. Galbatorix. I looked at Murtagh, expecting a smug look on his face but it was the complete opposite. His eyes held confusion, shock and the emotion I lest expected, fear. He look at me for an explanation, then we came to an agreement. None of this power came from either of our sides.

Thorn let out a pained roar. All heads whipped towards him. Thorn was trapped in a ring of fire. The sea green flames crept closer towards Thorn. Unable to handle the heat and the pain, Thorn took off into the sky. Rain started pouring.

As quick as light, a figure came out of nowhere and clawed Thorns side. The figure came again and bit Thorns leg then took off, the only thing I could see was sea green scales.

Another dragon, said Spahira.

What? I asked.

Thorn's attacker is a dragon, Saphira repeated.

I looked towards the fight again and saw Thorn had gather a collection of fresh new wounds. The figure now identified as a dragon, came swooping and knocked Thorn to the ground. Thorn remained lying on the ground, not getting back up.

Murtagh ran to his dragons side. With a few muttering of the Ancient Language, Thorn was able to stand again. Murtagh strutted towards us with Thorn limping beside him.

"We need to take them, Thorn do your thing."

Catching on what was going down, Saphira shielded me with her body. Thorn let out his fiery breath. I closed my eyes expecting to feel pain but none came. I opened my eyes and saw a massive sea green dragon standing in front of Saphira and I. He intercepted Thorn's flame by using his own sea green fire. The two flames fought to win, but thankfully the sea green flame was winning. Thorn couldn't hold his flame anymore, his fire disappeared. The sea green dragons fire hit both Murtagh and Thorn, nearly burning them to a crisp.

Thorn got most of the blow, he did his best to cover Murtagh but he still got burnt.

I felt a huge amount of pressure enter my mind. I quickly shielded my mind, someone was trying to get in. But the pain and pressure was too much and all of my defences went down. The sea green dragon looked at me.

Are you and Saphira ok? he asked in my mind.

I nodded.

Good, he said, then he turned his attention to Murtagh and Thorn.

If you ever hurt Eragon and Saphira again, I will not be as mercifulness as I am now. They are under my protect and will stop at nothing to make the people who hurt them pay. Leave now while you have the chance, the sea green dragon threatened.

Murtagh nodded and hopped on Thorns back. They quickly flew away. The sea green dragon looked at us with his stunning eyes. They were sea green like the rest of his body, but they swirled and changed colours constantly, just like the ocean. I was mesmerised by his eyes, I wasn't the only because Saphira stared at him as well. The dragon seemed to notice this and decided to knock us out of the trance.

Umm... Hi my name is Percy and if you hadn't noticed I'm hear to protect both of you.


*Arya's POV*

The battle had ended. Most of the enemy had surrendered, some of them even turned against their own army and fought with us. Even though the battle had ended some of us were still nervous. Those people being me, Orik, Nasuada, Orrin, Trianna and Eragon's cousin Roran.

Eragon still had to return from his battle with the Dragon Rider. But we all knew the outcome. As soon as we heard another roar that didn't belong to Saphira and the Dragon Rider's Dragon, we knew Eragon and Saphira lost the battle.

"We cannot wait any longer we must attend to the wounded and the rest of the Varden, we have a big job ahead of us," said Nasuada, she sounded pained when she spoke. We all knew why.

We slowly nodded our heads and set off. We where about to leave but then we hear shouts coming from the guards.

"It's Eragon and Spahira!"

Shouts of joy left everyone's lips, even mine. We all ran outside and saw Eragon and Saphira landing on the ground. Orik shouted with glee and ran to Eragon and gave him a hug. They chattered for a bit then Eragon turn his attention to Nasuada.

"Do you know a pace that is bigger than this landing place?" he asked.

Nasuada nodded the showed him the way. I was confused, why would Eragon asked for a bigger landing place? I followed Nasuada, Eragon and Saphira, others were behind me. I guess I wasn't the only one that was curious.

Nasuada led us to a big area of land that was going to be used for farming but the construction hadn't proceed yet. I saw Eragon concentrating for a bit, then a smile played on his lips.

We waited for a while but nothing happened. King Orrin was just about to say something but there was a loud Thud. I turned towards the sound, a gasp escapes my lips. In front of me was a dragon.

He had the most brilliant and vibrant scale that coped the colour of the ocean. His spikes were the colour of pearls, his claws and teeth would of been the same colour but now they were stained with blood. I saw the height of the beautiful dragon and guessed that he was an adult dragon. I felt a a massive amount power surrounding him, it was powerful and ancient.

"This dragon is the only reason Saphira and I were able to survive our encounter with the Dragon Rider. He saved our lives," Eragon told us.

I felt a huge amount of power enter my mind. I was about to shield my mind but then realised that the dragon was entering my mind, so I let him in.

Umm... I guess I have to say this again. Hey, my name is Percy and I'm here to help the Varden and protect Eragon and Saphira.

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